Looking toward the Longfellow Bridge through the glass panes.

Spent yesterday at the Museum of Science in Boston. It’s a lot more interactive than I remember it being – I guess they redid a lot of it over. I was pretty impressed actually. Lots of stuff to do there. We took in a 4D movie as well. I didn’t really know what that meant. You wear the glasses so the screen is 3D but then there are environmental effects as well. When a snake goes by on screen you can feel something slithering along your legs, when a blast of wind comes through, you can feel that to, your seat shakes and vibrates with loud noises, and you even get wet with a mist of water during rain and rapid flowing water shots. Something different for sure!

Also played a lot of Air Hockey this weekend, saw some animals at the Sanctuary, watched Home Alone and ate a ginormous pizza. I think all had a good time! I also joined a new group of fellow jukebox owners. Pretty friendly community of folks to chat with!