A pretty good, if low key, weekend was on tap. On Saturday night we went over to our couple friend’s house and played some games. One was one card game where you had to figure out which player was a werewolf, and we found that kind of weird, but then we played a game called “I Should Have Known That” and I rocked that one. My various knowledge of things came in helpful. They were very impressed with me answering all the questions correctly, like “how the f*ck did he know that!?” Heheh! We made a nice salad to bring over with the lettuce we obtained from our garden and the RI trip last week, and used up a lot of the fruits and vegetables we had lying around so it was a good use of getting through our stuff. We also picked up some takeout to bring over as the main dishes. We made the same salad again with the remainder the next day when one of LD’s friends came by a couple of hours on route back to her house from a NH drop off and I even grilled some salmon to go on top of it. In the meantime I discovered a new show called Cellmate Secrets on Lifetime (of all channels) but I’m finding it really good. Narrated by Angie Harmon, another celebrity crush of mine back in the L&O days, it looks at famous notorious criminals from a different angle, interviewing people who knew them in prison. I binged the first three episodes yesterday through On Demand. It seems to be getting better as the shows go on. Best one so far was the lady who let those two inmates escape from jail up in upstate New York a few years ago, but the Casey Anthony episode was pretty good too. Didn’t care too much for the Drew Peterson one. Apparently there’s three more shows to go.
Late in the afternoon we got a few more plants, bird seed, and a new plant stand for some of the hanging plants, which will look really nice on the patio. It has slots for 4 hanging plants all around at differing heights and was a breeze to assemble. Things look really nice which all the plant life in abundance all around the back patio and yard. I love just relaxing out there in the morning before the heat and stress of the day start up.
After I went out for a Wegman’s run to pick up some curbside groceries LD had a mason came by to check out the front steps to the house. It needs to be redone as it’s been crumbling for a while, plus she hates the look of them. We are discovering however that a job like this seems to be pretty pricey, so not sure what’s going to happen with those just yet.
It’s been really hot outside so that has limited a bit of what we can do, although we did sit outside yesterday afternoon late. I was thinking of doing a fire pit but in the end I was too tired and decided not to do one.
Some lilies from the garden are starting to bloom, including some of the ones we obtained from the garden club lady, as shown above. One of the fire lilies has also popped. If I can get a really good picture of those as more of them begin to open I’ll try to get a nice picture of those. The Stargazers are also going to open up soon as well, which are some of our favorites.