Rainy Day

A rainy day in Beacon Hill.

At least just about all the snow is gone. Yesterday was a good day to get some household duties done. I did a bunch of vacuuming but over time it has been appearing to not work as good as it should so I ordered a new vac on Amazon that should arrive on Monday. Got caught up on a bunch of DVR’ed shows like Dateline, 20/20 and SVU. Are we all excited for Stabler’s return? I think everyone nearly lost it when Finn says to Benson about showing up to some event and she wasn’t going to go and he tries to convince her she should because she deserves the honor and ending with the quote “plus you never know who might show up.” As an aside, we’ve been watching 21 Jumpstreet reruns as of late as well. I’d never seen the show before so it’s new to me but LD is reliving the magic. Also watched a movie called “Lars and the Real Girl” about a guy who has a relationship with a fake woman mannequin – yeah, it was weird.

The other day happened to be by a little library in Wellesley and took a book that caught my eye. Dreams by CG Jung. Yes, that Jung. Might be outdated by today’s standards and thoughts but does looked an interesting read, and we all want to know what are dreams are all about, right? Anyways, it appears to be a collection of a bunch of papers he wrote on what dreams might mean. Actually I can’t really get into it after reading a few pages. Just not doing it for me. Seems really big on associations which I guess isn’t so much a thing nowadays. Plus, alchemy?

Gametime: Mahjong Single. The thing I like about this one is the selection of different board layouts. Still plowing away at Tanmatsuban. I got through about 28 levels so far but now it’s getting a bit too difficult foe me.

Sometimes Upside Down is Better

What do you know? I actually had some numbers on that Powerball ticket I played yesterday. I knew I had a feeling. I had a number plus the megaball, which leads to a payout of … four dollars. Guess I’ll use that money to just play another two tickets.

The story behind the photo: Well, the roses might have died but I like having flowers to look at so how about replacing them with some fresh flowers. These purple carnations look to do the trick. I photographed them and then worked my “magic” on post processing and rotated the shot 180 degrees.

Which Way Do We Go?

Cool old sign at Powderhouse Rotary showing the directions of various towns.

The story behind the photo: I photographed this, what I think, rather cool looking old directional sign after the snowstorm a few days ago. I tried looking for some more information on it but the details are pretty sparse, which I found rather surprising. It is named for a James A. Reynolds. A plaque on the base of it probably describes all this better – I’ll need to read it sometime to enlighten myself. The directional post points in the directions around the circle of dozens of different communities (like Arlington, Medford, and Winchester). I hear the city plans on redeveloping this circle as it’s a traffic nightmare with traffic lights all around it and accidents happen here every now and then. My sister was even rear ended here once years ago and had some minor injuries.

Finally got a chance to refill the birdfeeder this morning as the snow out back finally melted enough for me to get out there and not get wet. I noticed some rather hungry looking dark eyed juncos and I felt bad so I made an effort this morning to get them some seed.

I noticed something strange on my Fitbit this week. Seems like some days I get a bunch of Active Zone Minutes and then on other days nothing, even though I feel I’m doing similar activities. I looked on the forums (I’ve been rocking a Versa 2 for over a year now) and some people say since the latest update they really messed up the Active Zone Minutes thing. Some people don’t even like this new way of tracking activity that Fitbit came up with. Not really sure what’s up with it, not that I really care all that much about that statistic anyway. I’m more about the HR, sleep tracking and step count. On another side note since I’m talking about devices acting weird, the microwave (which is pretty new) seems to be making some crazy noises which is a little unsettling. I also tried looking into that, but not having much luck.

It was over 50° F here today so a lot of the snow has melted. It was really nice to get outside today and get a little sun, taking a walk and enjoying it. I went down to the corner store and played a Powerball ticket just for the heck of it.

Gametime: Feed the Boy and Tanmatsuban. That second one will really keep you busy!

Another Version of the Same Things (A Daily Routine Nowadays)

Another version of the Nubble shot I posted a few days ago. This one is available on media.

It’s nice to start hearing the birds chirping outside in the morning again. A sure sign that spring is not far away.

Gametime: Ice Slide. Been trying to solve these puzzles this afternoon. I love these sorts of games.

Ever since watching that three episode Dateline that just aired I can’t get that “Why Did Love Put a Gun in My Hand” song from Dorothy out of my head.

Gaslight Lit Alleys Make Me Hope for Spring

Beacon Hill in spring -slightly grittier version now available

Started the day off with some cleanup snow shoveling from everything that fell last night. I think this might be the end of it as the weather is predicted to start getting warmer in the days ahead.

Rest of the day pretty low key, taking a walk, doing some laundry, watching a special on the life of Cleopatra and catching up on some Dateline crime story episodes.

Castles in the Snow

Another one from Powderhouse Park

The story behind the photo: I happened to be in Somerville this morning and I decided to grab a couple more shots around the Powderhouse since it’s right where I grew up and I figured the recently fallen snow would add some good contrast. I can remember climbing the rock wall behind this edifice. Interestingly enough, this building is where you used to go to get your parking sticker but now that’s done over at City Hall and as far as I know this building’s been closed for a long time. This proves that even though Somerville is a pretty dense, urban and sometime grimy city, there are spots that have beauty.

Lonely House Facing the Sea

Thanks to whoever ordered a metal print from my store of the Arundel Captain house. I do feel that is one of my better shots personally. Always nice to think someone liked my work enough to hang it in their home or office. While going through some of my older pix I found this one of a house in Gloucester near the water’s edge. I bet the views from this place can be amazing. It seems to be out on a spit all by itself.

I ended up completing my taxes yesterday and submitted, I think it’s the earliest I ever got them done.

Not the Sporty Type

LD and I were talking this morning and somehow or other the conversation turned to sports in school when we were growing up and it reminded me of my own experience with that, which I had sort of forgotten. I was a small kid, correct proportionately but in a smaller version of the average size school child. Anyways, this lead to me being picked last most of the time when it came time to play a school sport. I think this is why after a while, I decided not to pursue any further sports in school and rather just shoot hoops in my own backyard with a friend, or my sister at times, or just by myself, and is probably why I was just never not that much into sports. My creative pursuits were much more academic anyway.

The Oldest Stone Building in Massachusetts

The Old Powderhouse

ASIDE FROM BEING A TOWERING relic, the Old Powder House had a prominent role as a gun powder storage facility in the lead-up to the American Revolution, contributing to its inclusion in 1972 on the City of Somerville’s city seal. The tower was built of stone and originally featured three interior levels, complete with a fireplace and chimney.

The Powder House was built in either 1703 or 1704 by the French Protestant shipbuilder Jean Mallet on land (then known as Two Penny Brook Quarry) purchased from Jonathan Foskett. During this time, the structure functioned not as a gunpowder storage facility, but rather as a windmill for the Mallet farm. In 1747, the Mallet family sold their land to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, where the windmill structure was utilized as a powder magazine (from which it derives its modern day namesake).

In 1774, the Powder House found itself at the center of one of the pivotal events leading up to the American Revolution. On September 1, 1774, General Thomas Gage landed with British troops at the 10 Hills Farm on Mystic River, whereupon they marched up Broadway and seized the 250 barrels of gunpowder that were being stored at the former Mallet farm. This event marked the first act of aggression by the British toward the colonies and consequently trigged the “Powder Alarm,” where many individuals from the surrounding villages prepared to march to Boston for battle, though their actions proved to be premature.

The structure did, however, serve as a critical munitions depot for the Continental Army during the 1775-76 siege of Boston, a fact which is honored by a nearby bronze sculpture of a hat worn by said soldiers.

In 1818, the Massachusetts Bay Colony sold the land to Peter Tufts, later inherited by Nathan Tufts (for whom the surrounding park is named), during which time the Powder House was incorporated into the Powder House Farm. Moreover, the building was also used as a storage facility for “Old Powder House Brand” pickles.

The structure and surrounding land were finally sold to Somerville in 1892 for the price of $1. The land was then converted into a park, designed by Horace Eaton, where the Old Power House was renovated and repaired.1

I grew up just down the street from this tower. I can remember coming home from school (actually I think it was CCD) and climbing the rocks in the surrounding park. For some reason I never realized that it’s actually the oldest stone building in the state. I’ll be passing by it tomorrow during my weekly visit to old S-Town. That’s the history lesson for today.

I ended up watching Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse this afternoon. I’ve never seen it and heard good things about it. The animation and music are top notch. The story takes elements from the Marvel comics of the time where different Spiderman from different universes all came together. I then ended up watching yet another special on Aaron Hernandez, this time from the perspective of the sheriff of the jail he mostly resided in, which did give a little more insight into the man but other than that, pretty much a rehash. I did these things while LD was busy getting her second dose of the vaccine. I expect to be getting mine by the end of next month most likely, depending on how the rollouts go.

1 All this text I lifted from Atlas Obsura, a wonderful website to find all kinds of interesting places.

Gazebo Shining in the White of Snow

Snowy Winter February

Getting my tax stuff together for filing for the year. Hope to have it all completed by late next week.

Decided to email the parking department regarding the status of my sticker. Come to find out it was just sitting there approved awaiting me to purchase since two weeks ago, although I never got an email to that effect, as was should have happened. Well, that’s done, should be in the mailbox in a few.

Scituate, and a Lot of Clams

Scituate Light at sunset

The story behind the photo: A slight revamp of a shot I posted a while ago, using some different post production techniques: a different cropping and some focus effects.

I’ve been busy finishing up Crime Story. It only went two seasons. I thought it best when they stuck to the Luca vs Torello story arc and not so much the filler side episodes. Season 1 was definitely better in my view as they start off in Chicago and the mob slowly makes its way into Vegas. Season 2 did have some good moments though, finishing up in Latin America, although we never really know what happens at the very end since back then planning seemed more spontaneous so no new season, no resolution, although maybe it’s possible they all died in the plane crash. The give and take of the Torello/Luca storyline is what kept me interested.

On another note, a few weeks back I entered a contest to win a big glass print of one of my photos but I didn’t win, but as a consolation I was offered to get a small one for free (just pay for shipping) so I opted to try one of Carson. Couldn’t pass up that deal.

Today we took an afternoon drive over to Revere Beach just for a couple hours and enjoy the afternoon. I had forgotten that there were tens of thousands of surf clams deposited on Revere Beach by last week’s Nor’easter. Quite a sight to see so many on the beach, and mixed in the snow, along with thousands of seagulls eating at their all-they-can buffet. We took a bunch of photos which I need to go through and see how they came out. Finished that up with some delicious roast beef sandwiches from Kelly’s. Yeah, overpriced, but we haven’t been out in so long this take out was a treat and like I said, it was delicious.

First Love

Nubble Light

The story behind the photo: You never forget your first love. Nubble was the first lighthouse I ever visited. I can’t remember exactly how old I was – maybe early teens when my grandparents rented a place up in York for a couple of days. Since then I’ve probably been to this lighthouse more than any other over time. It’s a classic. Something not as well known is that a lighthouse keeper and his family had left their cat behind because he had come so attached to the Nubble, and the big tabby weighed 19 pounds by the time the next keeper arrived in 1930. Sambo Tonkus, also known as Mr. T, became well known to locals and tourists alike for his mousing and swimming prowess. Three or four times a day, he would swim to the mainland to hunt rodents hiding among the rocks!

Just been keeping up with the shoveling of the snow over the last couple of days and ahead.

Game time: Button Trail. Cute little challenger with a Nokia Phone screen theme from back in the day. I sort of gave up after getting to level 9.

The Beauty of Spring Flowers are Not Far Behind

“I heard a bird sing in the dark of December. A magical thing. And sweet to remember. We are nearer to Spring than we were in September. I heard a bird sing in the dark of December.”

― Oliver Herford

The story behind the photo: A day like today has me wishing for an early spring. This particular photo was shot in someone’s front yard in the spring in Davis Square not too far from Redbones on one of the side streets in the area. I just loved the crocuses defying the season by scrambling up through the dead and fallen leaves of the previous fall and winter.

I applied for my yearly town parking sticker. This year it’s all done remote so I had to scan some docs and now I’m just waiting for approval. Not sure why it can take up to two weeks. Also, I’ve been a resident of the town since forever, can’t they just look it up from any previous year? Whatevs, hopefully it’ll get approved soon. On a similar note, I just received my renewed registration for my car so that’s good. That literally only took 5 minutes to apply and a few days to receive.