I Like Big Flips and I Cannot Lie!

Took a quick jaunt today over to Bow Market in Somerville this afternoon. Luckily I was able to get on street parking right across from the place because parking down there is brutal, assuming you can even find a spot. There was a roast beef place I wanted to try called The Hotbox, which I had read about in a magazine that I was perusing whilst waiting for LD at a doctor’s appointment a few weeks ago. It was pretty good – I ended up getting a junior three way. The sauce is a little spicy but not bad at all, perhaps that’s why they chose that name? anyway, the whole area has a bunch of little local shops and a very cute outside seating area, which I partook of. Also while there I saw they what appeared to be a small pinball parlor, so I went and played some of those classics, the machines range from from the 70s through the 90s, and I guess they swap them out with other ones every so often. Pretty cool little place.

Finally, toward the end of the afternoon I had to hit a grocery store and they had these cute little roses on sale. I couldn’t resist and picked up one that had light purple flowers.

And finally, to close out the afternoon I went to see this band play over at the local gazebo playing some pop hits from the 70s and 80s. They sounded really good!

Hanging Out at the Lobster Pot

Lobster Pot in P-Town, we ate here once actually!

Lately I’ve kind of loved just going down rabbit holes and learning some things. Did you know Anthony Bourdain worked here at the Lobster Pot? He got his start there as a dishwasher and fell in love with cooking and so went along that path. Amazing to think that all started right here!

I’ve had a bit of a busy day flitting about town doing my rounds, so that might just be the update for today.

Creating a Vibe Though Unintentional at the Time

Yesterday was such a good day to take it easy. I hung my gravity chair on the back deck and relaxed, maybe even dozed off for a bit. Then I hit the local market and bought fresh zucchini, chicken, and salmon to grill. I was able to finish it all just as it started to rain lightly. Otherwise, I would have had a fire pit outing, which would have been nice. It was a pretty chill Sunday.

Here’s another shot I took from my outing to Grey’s beach in Yarmouth down on the Cape. I love this span, it’s so long and the names and sayings on the boards are really nice. Anyone can have their own for a price. This shot is sort of giving me vibes of The Scream, the painting by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch!

I have a bunch of things that I’ve been wanting to check out coming up soon. Some of it historic as I’m always trying to learn new things about the places that we live at – a little bit of hidden history you might say, along with some what may be interesting food choices and the usual fun stuff.

Off to the Pools

Yesterday we had lunch down at a place I like in South Yarmouth called The Skipper. I was jonesing for perhaps one late Chatham Clam plate for a while. Come to find out Pete Davidson was there a couple of weeks ago. Before that I hung out for a little bit by the Snowy Owl Coffee Roasters, well actually, behind them, where there is a little conservation land but filled with all kinds of places the sit and simple artwork and lovely flowerbeds called the great Cape Arboretum. Today we are off to hang out at our friend’s pool for the afternoon before we all go to see the new Deadpool movie. I plan on getting that Wolverine Popcorn thingy. I know it all marketing hype and probably overpriced crap, but I can always add it to my tchotchke collection! Maybe tonight when we get back if I have any spoons left I light up the firepit.

Update: The movie was alright, (ended up going to an AMC in Danvers – not our preferred choice but.what can you do…) but swimming in the pool and hanging out with Mollie was still the highlight. Can’t believe how big she has gotten! Got back too late for firepit but maybe tonight and some grilling later.

So Lucky to Experience the Best Sunsets!

Really enjoyed our time down here. Some of today’s highlights .. getting massages early in the morning to start off the day and they were good. Then off to Capt. Baker’s Donuts – amazing unique concoctions! Went to Nauset Beach and did some shopping too for a few, and then jumped in the pool for a bit before they told us to get out because it was going to rain. It rained but only for like 10 minutes after which time we grilled some burgers on the charcoal. Then we noticed the skies actually clearing up as sunset approached (!) so I suggested we hit Skaket and it was a good call as it was a spectacular sunset tonight – we didn’t want to leave! Even after it went down you could still see so much cotton candy colors in the sky and clouds. Finished it up with a trip to the Sparrow again! I’ll have to flesh this entry out better later but you get the gist!

Going Down a Rabbit Hole

Yesterday was somewhat of a lowkey day here over at Earth-3. I ended up actually taking a nap which happened through most of the afternoon. I rarely take naps so I must have been really tired! Anyways, I ended up going down a rabbit hole reading the local history and the mystery surrounding one of the old ship captains who lived here back in the day. The basic question being, were they involved in the slave trade at all. There’s one stone in the cemetery which state’s that Mrs. Crosby’s husband, another sea caption of course, died in Africa in 1735. Now there’s no concrete evidence to say they were directly involved but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. And even if not directly involved, I’m sure they profited indirectly. Research is still being conducted but it’s going to take time.

After that I took a walk out over to one of my favorite boats that I always see down here that just happened to be sitting on the sand after the tide went out. And of course another visit to the Sparrow. Oh, and we watched a steel drum band play over at Rock Harbor.

The Best of Times and Tides

It turned out to be a pretty good sunset over at the Creek after the day being mostly cloudy and overcast. We had dinner just before at a place called the Blue Island Crab and it was delicious! I think it may now be my favorite place to eat down here, the food was extraordinary! Great drinks too, one which actually got me pretty buzzed, which is not something I usually do.

Anyways, in the photo above you can see people way out in the distance. During low tide, you can walk out there for about two miles, which is crazy. When the tide does come in it can rise to a height between 9 and 11 feet in certain areas!

So, this has been a great time over at Earth-3 so far. Let’s see if I can quickly recap some things so I can remember all these times later on. So far, there’s been Rock Harbor sunset, two trips to the Chocolate Sparrow (as of yet), had a quick dinner over in Sandwich harbor, Checked out the General Store, checked out a famous crafter in Dennis, Eat Cake 4 Breakfast for some great pastries, swimming in the pool, some clams over at Mac’s in Chatham, Hole in One doughnuts a couple of times as of yet, Snowy Owl for coffee, Joe Mama’s for the best breakfast sandwich that I love, The Knack for burgers, Chatham beach a couple of times, went down to the dock to see seals, traipsed around Chatham’s downtown for the shops and the whale art, did the Eddy Trail, stopped over in Wellfleet for a bit, checked out Ptown’s Commercial Street and the library. Whew! What else? I know I’m missing stuff!

Not Everyday You See a Boat in a Library!

We took a drive this morning out to Provincetown, to drop off our guest at the ferry and while there I decided to do some quick recon and grab some shots of this very flamboyant place. First thing to check out is the famous alley. The alley takes up the exterior wall of Shop Therapy, stretching nearly three shop lengths. It isn’t terribly wide, but it is big enough for a couple of people to walk down the alley at the same time. Wooden books depicting illustrations of Alice in Wonderland are found on one side, along with wire bugs and metal flowers coming out of the ground. The other side features pictures on pieces of wood. This artwork ended up a bit controversial, and probably not what you would call family-friendly. The edgy paintings range from Greek mythology to scenes from the Bible and Alice in Wonderland. Some of the artwork is a bit provocative and is made to capture your attention.

However what I really wanted to check out was this schooner that’s actually inside the public library. I had never heard of this before and just recently found out about it so I had to see it. The library itself is actually pretty cool as the building started life as a church in 1856 and the church origins are still very apparent. Go up a flight of stairs and there she is. That’s where a 55 foot replica of the schooner Rose Dorothea dominates the area. There is even a hole cut in the ceiling to accommodate the mast!

Then it was off for an afternoon back at Harding’s beach in Chatham. It’s sort of become our favorite beach because it’s warm and quite wavy. Today was a little rough but still a great time was had.

Another Beautiful Shot of “The Flats”

The sun may set, but the fun never truly ends on a perfect day.

I’m going to have to do a writeup of all the things we’ve been doing but I’m having too much time actually doing them right now! For example, some highlights from this morning were visiting Eat Cake 4 Breakfast, which is an amazing place and you have to get there early before the good stuff is gone for the day (we made it!), a nature hike, pool time again, and now off top spend some time in Chatham, and the beach and around town. The shot up above from from last night’s adventures – a little place called Breakwater.

Where Faith and Wildflowers Bloom

I had some business to take care of over at Earth-1 today and although I didn’t get to check out everything that I wanted to do this go round, I did do some things, including capturing the shot above. I contemplated not going later in the afternoon on my bike due to the heat but I told myself I’d take it slow and hydrate myself appropriately. I was fine, and I got this nice shot of this church again that I had been meaning to visit again, so I can cross that off my list. I was curious to see what the wildflower situation was in front so I took a gamble and peddled over there this afternoon. I also got a haircut while I was there. I hadn’t planned on getting one today, but things just fell into place for it to happen, so what the heck. Strike while the iron is hot, as they say!

When I got back late in the afternoon I figured I’d mow the front lawn, heat be damned. Besides, at this point I could feel the air starting to get a little cooler as supposedly a storm might move in and dump rain everywhere, and I wanted to get it done before that happened. Plus it needed to be cut real bad. I hadn’t had a chance earlier in the week due to it just being too darn hot and disgusting out. So, another thing I can cross off the list for today.

I thought about going down to the local village common here and seeing some live music at the gazebo but instead I’m going to take a shower, make dinner, and get ready for tomorrow’s adventures.

A Hot Day and a Little Birding Afternoon

Here’s a picture from one of last year’s outings. I plan on going back to this location real soon!

It’s been a hot couple of days here, so I’ve been trying to stay inside as much as possible, which is harder than it sounds. I still have things I need to do on various days, which means I have to go out in the heat, but I try to stay in the shade as much as possible.

While I’ve been trying to avoid the heat, I have noticed a few interesting things. My neighbors have another robin that is using the nest that a previous robin used. In fact, that nest was originally built by mourning doves and used by them for three or four clutches of chicks. It’s really cool to see that nest get used over and over.

The web software I use to run this site just got an update and I’ve applied it so hopefully everything will be fine. Just an FYI.

Hanging with Some Serious Beachie People

Revere last night was spectacular. We had so much fun with some friends for a meet up that we all ended up staying past 9 p.m.! We got off to a pretty late start due partly to all the construction going on in the basement, partly for other reasons, but by late afternoon everything looked better and so we decided to go to the meet up!

LD actually ended up spending more than an hour in the water! I guess it wasn’t really cold at all. I still have yet to go into the water, but I think that’ll definitely be changing by the end of the week!

I tried to get a viewing of the Oscar Mayer Weiner mobile today but it just didn’t work out – maybe next time it swings by.

Currently Watching: Eric, on Netflix.

A Bench Press Kind Of Day

Yesterday ended up being a very busy day after all, even though it didn’t seem kike much was planned. I was pretty busy helping out LD since her car ended up being in the shop for much of the day for some needed TLC. First there was the drive to the gym to get some reps in. Looks like they instituted some system to make sure randos don’t come in and use the pool or hot tub without authorization (who would do such a thing? * me looking around innocently*). I’m sure it’ll pass after a few. Then it was back home for a little bit before heading back out to drive LD to a Dr’s appointment over at Newtown-Wellesley. We got a parking spot in the garage literally right at the very front, which never happens, so that was pretty amazing. While I was in the waiting room actually is where I learned about some of the places that I want to check out that I mentioned in the last post, by me going through some of the old magazines lying around in the waiting room to pass my time. After that it was off to Braintree for LD’s Pedi appointment. While she was in there getting worked on I took a stroll over to Sunset Lake. It was a hot and humid day but by the lake was nice and cool. In fact, that’s where I snapped the picture up above. I’ve taken some autumn shots from this location in the past. It was pretty quiet on this day though. I stayed sitting on a bench for about an hour until I saw the skies getting ominously dark above. I didn’t want to get soaked so I trudged back to my parked car by the spa but by then the sun came out full force and it got hot and humid again. Not the greatest time to discover that my car A/C system must need a recharge since cold air doesn’t seem to emanate from the vents anymore, which was weird since it was the day before. Just bad timing I guess. When LD got down we learned her car was ready so from the spa we drove to go pick it up. When we got home we made some pizzas., A couple of flatbread ones that came with the week’s meal kit, and then rolled some dough on our own and made another one, mostly because we had to use all the ingredients before they went bad.

We’re finally getting back to working on the basement! The redone stairs are almost done and the new doorway to bypass going all around the basement to get to the other side will be getting installed this week, it looks like.

Made the Cover and Some Fun Stuff to Maybe Try

A very rare collector’s edition with a print run of only….one issue? Just being silly. Anyways, onto today’s stuff. Also, I’ve been playing around with the fonts on the site, have you noticed? They may be changing again so just a head’s up.

I learned of some new places today that I might want to check out over the next few months. A bunch of them are over at Earth-1 in that Bow Market place, which unfortunately I find it very hard to park anywhere around there, but there’s a roast beef place and some pinball place there that I’d like to check out someday. Also over in Ball Square is some new Neapolitan pizza joint that looks pretty cool. Speaking of pizza there’s also a pizza cupcake place over at Legacy Place which I’ve been meaning to check out, to see what weirdness that is all about.

I’ve done baby goat yoga, alpaca yoga, piglet yoga, and now I heard there’s puppy yoga where the puppies are shelter pups which you could also adopt later. Might need to explore that one. I’ve also been meaning to do the free yoga class outside down at Assembly on Saturday mornings but never get around to it. Not that I’m really into yoga, just something to check out. Some other things that I’d like to do is check out the Elephant Migration statues down in Newport, RI, maybe some axe throwing over in Foxborough, Minigolf in Dedham with some pals. I looked into taking a glass blowing class here at Earth-2 which I thought would be fun to do with others as they show you have to make your own blown glass ornament, but it is a bit on the pricey side. There’s also an old style arcade in the area which might be fun to check out.

Minutia but Make It Pretty

Time for some boring minutia but I’ll pretty the post up with some pictures I took to keep you entertained, Got through a bunch of little errands this morning that I wanted to accomplish. First I dropped off a heap of clothes that LD wanted to donate and then I got gas for my car. Then I hopped over to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions and the bank to get some funds. I went to go make a payment on a bill and picked up the latest Yankee Magazine which is featuring some hidden spots on the Cape that I thought I might check out. Could be some new photo opportunities possibly, we’ll see. I also picked up a puzzle book, partly to keep my mind occupied for the trip’s downtimes, and partly to keep my mind working! Speaking of photo ops, check out Madaket below down in Nantucket, and the Cape above over in Yarmouth, a location I may need to revisit.

Happy Capybara Appreciation Day! My History With Them

Capybaras Rule and I learned today that it was Capybara Appreciation Day I had to make a post about it. I adore capybaras! My very first encounter with seeing these creatures was actually many years ago when we visited the Cape May Zoo in New Jersey, which is an awesome zoo and free to the public. Then years later I saw one on display in NYC when we were visiting the Natural History Museum. I recall seeing the bones and such and a write up of it’s jaws and a short history. Little did I know, that years later I would be enamored with these guys!

We Can Always See Ourselves to the Beach

Today I went to the beach for a few hours in the afternoon, but I didn’t go into the water. LD, on the other hand, went swimming. We didn’t feel like cooking last night, so we ordered this giant pizza from a local place we love. We only discovered this jumbo-sized pizza last month when LD’s friend from the south was here. It’s so big and impressive, I had to take a picture of it, but it really doesn’t do it justice; you have to see it in person to get the full effect.

Yesterday we also finally got around to looking at those Hoka sneakers at Dick’s. I liked how they felt, but they didn’t have my size in the color I wanted. So, we took a picture of the tag and ordered them online. They should arrive by Tuesday. LD didn’t like the feel of them, but I do. You’ll probably be seeing me in those later in the week.

Later on tonight, we’re going to see Inside Out 2 at Chestnut Hill. It’s a movie LD has been wanting to see for a while now, and today’s as good a day as any. When we get back, I’m going to grill some salmon and cod and maybe some zucchini with sliced cucumbers on the side.

Hanging Out on the Fourth of July

We had a wonderful time at my LD’s friend’s beach cottage in Fairhaven. We celebrated the summer and the Fourth of July with a cookout and a nice hangout. The wind was blowing hard, but it felt great blowing around me. We relaxed and enjoyed the scenery. One of the most memorable parts of the evening was the fireworks. The town of New Bedford and the surrounding communities and private homeowners light off fireworks in the bay, and we had a great vantage point from the back deck of the cottage that faces the waters of Buzzard’s Bay. It was beautiful to watch the fireworks light up the bay and reflect on the water. As the night went on, the wind died down, and we continued to enjoy the beautiful night.

Hanging at the Airbus

I went to pick up a piece of pottery this morning, and I’m thrilled with it! Yesterday, I noticed someone selling another Dedham pottery piece that I had never seen before, a napkin holder in the shape of a bunny. So naturally, I had to get it and add it to our growing collection of Dedham pottery. I drove over and picked it up this morning, and I’m really pleased with its size and quality.

Currently Reading: Mass Murders: Bloodstained Crime Scenes Haunting the Bay State. This book has a slight bent about the paranormal which I don’t really care for, but I thought some of the crime stories might be good.