Sunday Routines

Not having a case of the Sunday Scaries

Today was somewhat of a typical Sunday, finished reading a book I’ve been cranking on (I love reading out back under this patio umbrella I got at Xmas Tree Shop), wrapped up some text on the proposal, pulled out the grill for future summer cooking, and spent some time down at the Sanctuary (Ladydoc has to get her goat brushing time in!). It really is a peaceful place. We managed to hit a Little Library on the way back to return some read books. Crap shoot on what you’ll find – I might read Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. I remember having to read it in high school but that was long ago, back then I didn’t want to read, and I retained practically nothing of it, so it might be good to reacquaint myself. I grabbed it anyways just in case.

One of our Sunday routines these days is the food prep for the week. I actually don’t mind doing the chopping and slicing of all the vegetables and fruits and such. Tonight we made salmon on top of a bed of lettuce from the garden, along with pieces of peach, watermelon, cucumber, tomato, and roasted corn with a balsamic glaze. Pretty easy to make actually, which I put together while also making LD’s go to dish of tofu with red peppers, zucchini and spinach for her lunches. Then after eating I had to go water all the plants, which actually takes quite a bit of time to give them all the attention they require. What can I say? I do it all! (not really). LD supervised while watching endless repeats of Beverly Hills 90210.

I feel Sundays these days pretty much move too fast. Before you know it it’s 8:53 pm and we’ll have to start getting ready for bed in order to get up early enough on Monday so as not to be late and let the realization set in that another week is on the horizon. When you feel the dread of this thought, is when the ‘Sunday Scaries’ set in. I used to get those all the time – then I got comfortable in my place and projects and it wasn’t bad for me. I think that’s why winning this proposal would be so important for me – it would give me a sense of security and allow me to continue to be my own boss. Losing it would mean having to find other stuff to do which possibly might not make me happy. I’ve come to realize I can’t really control what the future holds, so I’ll just do the best I can, put one foot before the other, say a little prayer, and get on with come what may. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself now.