Choices for Today (Inspiration)

Attitude is a choice. 
Happiness is a choice. 
Optimism is a choice. 
Kindness is a choice. 
Giving is a choice. 
Respect is a choice. 
Whatever choice you make makes you. 
Choose wisely.

It was such a nice day outside today that after my shift I decided to do a lot of yard work, like mowing/mulching the leaves in the front and back lawns, clearing out the sewer out front from leaf debris (could the next door neighbor even attempt to help with that task one year just once for God’s sake?). I decided to store the grill away for the winter and cleared out the patio and rearranged some of the furniture and the outdoor heater to make maximum use of the space. I had moved the heater temporally due to that crazy rain and wind storm we had last week and I didn’t want it to damage anything or get damaged itself. Toward the end of my tasks though I did somehow manage to twist and tweak my knee a little bit. I’m ok but man, it sucks getting older. I even organized the shed a little bit and put some pots away for the spring – still have more of that to do though.

For lunch I headed down to the local deli and got us a sandwich. I then had to get gas for the car and went on a Dunkins’ run. The weather was really great, I wish everyday could have been like today but alas, I hear it’s back to ass cold tomorrow.

For dinner I cooked up some burgers with a French dip sauce and sides of arugula salad and fresh cut potato French fries. After dinner I proceeded to lay down on my heating pad face up, it’s my nightly ritual these days. LD got these great heating pads last year from Sharper Image and it’s awesome. It has a massager function too but that doesn’t work that well, but the heat this thing gives off is amazing. It has a tendency to make me fall asleep actually but it has this nice soft cover over that I just snuggle into and don’t get burned. Also it has some kind of beads or something inside it that heat up that differentiates it from a regular heating pad. Ok, enough plugging on that.