A Moment for Halloween Decorations

Had to take some time off – trying to get back to some normalcy for the moment now.

Currently reading: There Is No Ethan: How Three Women Caught America’s Biggest Catfish. This is actually a pretty fascinating read, I’m digging it. Also after that going to try to dive into Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI. In the last few days I also had a chance to read and finish A Girl Named Carrie: The Visionary Who Created Neiman Marcus and Set the Standard for Fashion, mostly while I was waiting around this week.

Do We have a Collecting Obsession?

Might be time for another trip up to Maine soon! Nubble L:ight, York, ME

We’ve sort of decided that we might want to visit Maine in a moth or two and not do the usual Prelude thing that we’ve been doing for the last couple of years. Not that we don’t love it, but it’s just so busy around that event. Might be a little quieter earlier in the season.

Got a few more leads on some Dedham Pottery items. Once again, we’re always on the lookout for something different, and generally involving a bunny or two. The key is to get a somewhat unique bunny themed item that you don’t usually see and at a very good price. I saw someone selling these cute pins for cheap and it happened to be close by in Roslindale so this morning we went and picked them up. Plus I was jonesing for a Dunks so we stopped off at a drive thru to fuel my caffeine addiction. Later on in the afternoon LD saw a display plate she wanted in Ashland so I hopped on over out that way to get that. Not too much going on out that way.so it was a quiet ride up and back for about an hour or so. Always on the lookout! It was originally just because the colors of the objects matched the new kitchen colors so well plus it has the bunny theme but now it’s taken on a life of it own.

Last night we watched the Suns of the WNBA take game 1 of the semis against Minnesota. Very good close game. It would be amazing if they could pull off a championship. I think my fav player on the team (besides the daughter of LD’s trainer) would have to be Mabrey. Not only does she nail the long bombs and is super scrappy but she’s from NJ!

I Like Big Mums and I Cannot Lie…

Today to help LD out from going stir crazy we took a ride to the beach! The weather was pretty nice with only a cool breeze passing through now and again. One thing we noticed was a fishing boat just a few feet out from the beach. After looking it up I discovered it was the Nemesis and discovered this interesting website where you could track all these vessels,. On the way back we ended up at a stand and got some interesting looking gourds and another pumpkin and got a great deal on a pot of some of the biggest mums we’d ever seen! I’ll have to put a pic up of some of the gourds later.

Hawk Visitors and Rabbit Holes

Hawk decided to have a seat and hang out on the patio with me. These guy better leave our bunnies alone! 🐰 🐰 🐰 Got through a bunch more tasks today before the weekend. I woke up early again and got through some billing tasks, then I went to Target to pick up some things for LD. Got back and went out again to get gas, drop some food off at the food pantry, and then took another trip out to Lexington to get some more stuff for LD, including some more pumpkins. Unfortunely they no longer had this bumpy warty one that I should have got the last time I was there, but instead picked up a popcorn pumpkin and another one that was multicolored. Perhaps I’ll come across some more unique pumpkins elsewhere. Toward the end of the afternoon we roasted a 7-lb chicken in the oven.

In the early evening we just happened to be flipping around the dial and landed on the Chronicle show which was doing a piece on Devens, which brought back to my mind the time that I worked on projects related to the army base that was there. I did a bunch of the mapping for the gov’t reports that we’d do. Here was one such report, and if you scroll around to the figures you’ll see my initials “MSB” in the title blocks. God, that was so long ago. These graphics were all done by me in AutoCAD back in the day. It was probably version 12 or 13 at the time. I also think they were all originally in color. The basic idea was the army had to know where any contamination was and to remediate it before the land could be used for anything else. In watching the Chronicle episode last night you could see what became of some of it. Pretty amazing that I had a part in that, all those years ago. What’s also weird was just the other day I came across some old awards and such back at Earth-1 recalling myself back to that time as well. Nostalgia city!

Thursday Travails and Treasures

Got in the actual water for this on. Chatham, MA.

Yesterday ended up being a fairly busy day for me. I had an early day so I used to time to head on over to Earth-1 for a few things. First up was getting an oil change because my auto kept nagging me about it so it was good I was able to get that done. I also got a haircut while I was there. Finally, as one last task, LD saw a chair on marketplace that was for sale pretty cheap and looked really good in town so I went to go pick it up. They seemed like a nice young couple. They lived just outside of Union Square though by Lincoln Park which is in an area of town that I wasn’t all that familiar with. Anyways I got the chair no problem, but the traffic down there around rush hour time and in rain (although thankfully it didn’t rain when I had to do anything outdoors) leaves a lot to be desired. Having to cut through Cambridge along Mass Ave around that time wasn’t great either but I figured it would be the most direct route back. All in all, it all worked out. Go Connecticut Sun! So cool to know people around the team on a personal level!

Sports Watching Sunday

Laying a bit low the least weekend as LD has been feeling a bit under the weather. Ended up watching the Connecticut Sun kick Caitlin Clark’s arse, which was great. I don’t really understand what the big deal is about her/ I mean, I know she was great in college but the pro’s are a whole different story. Hopefully the Suns can pull off another win on Wednesday and progress to the next round. In the evening, after making our delicious lemon orzo with healing properties soup we ended up watching the first two episodes of American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez. It does a good job highlighting lesser-known aspects of Hernandez’s life and tells his story in an approachable, watchable fashion. Definitely a bit more sympathetic to his side but there’s room for nuance. It’s better than I thought it was going to be.

Visiting the Fluers de Villes Artiste

I braved the rains this morning and actually took the subway into Boston’s Back Bay this afternoon to check out the flower dresses. I hadn’t taken the subway since probably 2018. I did get to ride on one of the new red line trains which was pretty nice. I did it to check out the amazing Fleurs de Villes exhibition. Each floral installation this year is based off a famous work of art in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston collection. Swipe to see the different ones! Which one is your favorite? Thanks to Em who lived nearby and came out to meet up with me for taking my selfie!

Sunday Full of Pool, Goats and Kittens

What a full weekend this was! I think we might need to lay pretty low next weekend. After heading to the office to drop off some things it was off to the north to visit old G-town again. LD had seen that they were doing something with kitten so we said why the heck not. Since our friends also live in town, they were kind enough to let us have some of their pool time, so we floated there and hung with them and Mollie for a couple of hours. Then it was off to the farm. First there was some baby goat hang with some live music out on the lawn area which was actually pretty fun. After about an hour or so of that it was into the barn we went to do some yoga (which no one really does because you really just want to hang with the animals, at least in our case) although I did do some. I’m not as flexible as I used to be I am learning. Ouch! Oh, and then the kittens came out, so cute. Must only be a couple weeks old I’d imagine. Did you know that LD had never in her life held a kitten before? She had cats, but never from being a kitten, so this was pretty special in that way in that she finally got to interact with the little creatures. At then end we watched their mother nurse them as they were probably getting hungry and sleepy. So precious to see. We took well over 200 pictures from both events but I’ll just provide a sampling here for now.

Life’s Pretty Gourd Right Now!

Three highlights from Saturday. We finally got out to Lexington to check out the annual pumpkin wall over at Wilson Farms (something that I had been wanting to check out for a while) and while there we even purchased some goods, like pumpkins and mums and various treats. Then if was off to Revere Beach where we hung out for a few hours. The beach was warm but there was a constant sea breeze which felt cool. I also had a Kelly’s lunch there. One interesting thing was watching the seagulls get these mollusks and fly up into the air with them to then drop them to let the fall help crack them open. Every now and then a different gull would grab one’s hard work. Finally came home on grilled in the early evening. Burgers and some corn that we got at the farm. Today we’re going to get some friend pool time in before checking out some kitty and goat experience. We’ll see how that all goes!

Finding Out Where the Music Was Coming From

Had to go into HQ today to get recertified in CPR training. Pumping on the old mannequins! Pretty straightforward actually. We get to practice on the adult mannequins and also an infant mannequin. Hopefully would never be in that situation but it’s good to know these things. Now for a little story. For a while now in the evening we’ve been hearing this music blaring and it goes on for quite a bit, certainly disruptive after some time. This has gone on for a few weeks now. So finally last night we decided to take a drive and see exactly where this is coming from. We hopped in my car and we took a ride around the neighborhood. Eventually we found where it was coming from. Just as I pulled over for a closer look, I could see what appeared to be a woman watching us! I then drove off but now we know where to direct future energies as we now know exactly where the disturbances are coming from.

Currently Reading: College Girl, Missing: The True Story of How a Young Woman Disappeared in Plain Sight by Shawn Cohen

Sure as a Trip to Sherborn

Haven’t updated in a while. Time flies! Saturday we had a nice lunch in the park after a quick visit to the office to figure out lamps and various dΓ©cor. Then yesterday we visited some animal friends. LD had found out somehow that the town of Sherborn was having a thing where participating farms could be visited for free for a time so we decided to check it out. As a bonus our friend Em came along (sort of a out-of-the-blue-last-minute-want-to-hang-out for the afternoon thing, to which we naturally said “Of Course!”. We do like hanging out with Em, she’s super cool.

After all that we hit a Trader Joe’s and got a bunch of things, then we were pretty fried so we got some take out and settled in for the night with some television watching. We finally finished watching every episode of the Shield (amazing show!) and are now starting to look for some good things to watch.

Currently Watching: Under the Bridge on Hulu.

Gametime: CubeMerge

Hanging It Up

Currently Reading: The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI Ray Kurzweil

I went into the gym this morning that has an outside pool and large hot tub so I could use the hot tub. Ahh, that felt pretty good. It was a beautiful morning too so that adds a lot to it. Then it was off to Staples to return some Amazon things. They make the returns so easy now, just pop in and they scan a QR code and it’s done. Afterwards we headed to the office to hang up one of my photographic landscapes. This particular shot is a little old before I really knew how to shoot scenes better so there’s a newer shot that I want to do and hang, at least for myself. When I get around to having that done I’ll post that here as well. Finished off the afternoon with a short nap in my gravity chair on the deck (maybe that hot tub took more out of me than I thought!) and then some light grilling of burgers and salmon. A pretty standard Labor Day weekend thing to do.

Pool Time to Enjoy the Tail End of Summer

Drove up to Beverly in the morning to pick up some more unique and somewhat large Dedham Pottery for display. It just so happened to be on the way to our planned destination of hanging out in our friends pool up that way, that is just about complete. All the hardscape is in, new deck, incorporated grill, firepit, etc. Just need to seed the grass areas so by next season it will really shine. Actually it’s a quite beautiful setup. I was in the pool for quite some time and had a blast just floating on the “Chill Chair” as can be seen in the photos. We were afraid at one point that it might rain, but thankfully it never did and ended up being a spectacular afternoon! Lucked out again!

Later in the afternoon we grilled. We brought up some shrimp and we had prepared some veggies and local sweet corn and brought up some of our tools like these grill cages to make kabobs. Mollie, their super cute dog, is getting bigger but she is still a handful. Of course she is still just a puppy but training her has been a bit of a challenge. She’s quite sassy, but I like that about her. She also needs to be a little more chill, which for her is kind of impossible, because her leg has a joint that can get out of place and then it needs to be massaged basically to slide back into place. Poor thing! She just doesn’t seem to know her own body yet, or maybe she gets so excited that she doesn’t even think of any consequences of her actions. We ended up staying so much longer than anticipated. Time just went by so fast! We got home just as the sun went down, all in all, another perfect day.

Visiting an Old Friend in a New Place

Finally got around to visiting LNU’s new location in Providence, RI this afternoon. It’s a more direct shot now to get to, but in a somewhat busier part of town and not as quaint, but the new digs are more spacious and the food is all still great! Also nearby was a mural with a message that said, “Most of Us Live Off Hope” which we thought was great.

Meta AI Summarizing My Work

Sometimes I post some of my photos to various Facebook groups and I’ve noticed now that it a picture gets over 100 comments it seems, that Meta AI will pop up a box basically summarizing all the comments that were left. Here’s a sampling of some of them. I’m glad that so many people seem to genuinely like my photography. Thanks to anyone who liked my pictures and left a comment. This sampling is all from our summer visit to the Cape this year.

Commenters are in awe of the stunning visual, with many expressing admiration for nature’s beauty and one observer noting a striking, cross-like formation. Overall, the post has inspired a sense of wonder and appreciation.

The post’s photo of a summer sunset captivated viewers, with many praising its beauty and serenity. One commenter noted that the image is “framer worthy” and appreciated the outstanding photography.

Commenters admire the serene and naturally beautiful photo, appreciating its authenticity and nostalgic value. One commenter shares a personal connection, continuing family traditions despite loss. Others express gratitude fir the uplifting image, describing it as a “love letter from God” and “peaceful perfection.”

This photo received widespread acclaim for its beauty and serenity, with many commenting on it’s exceptional quality and the sense of calm it evokes/ One observer noted that it resembles “The Scream” by Edvard Munch, while others praised the photographer’s skill and use of perspective.

Diners rave about the Lobster Pot, some visiting annually for their “lobster fix.” The seafood is highly praised, with one commenter claiming it’s the best in the world. The restaurant’s connection to Anthony Bourdain and its status as a landmark are also noted.

The post’s beautiful sunset photo drew praise, with many commenters admiring the vibrant colors. One commenter noted that the clouds enhance sunsets, while another mentioned a personal connection to the location, finding it both pretty and historical.

Taking Down a Ton of Weeds

I loaded up the lawnmower last night and trudged it over to Earth-1. My mom’s grass had become way overgrown and she only has that old dull pull kind the spins as you push it. It was actually my grandparents and I don’t think it’s ever worked well. Anyways, the mower fit in the back of my car and I got over there and mowed it all down, weeds and all. I was done in about five minutes, it’s not a huge area. Seemed like there were a lot of weeds. My mom was very happy that all the vegetation was now gone. In fact, after you could see the lawn area again I noticed a bunch of Wooly Bear caterpillars! They’re kind of cute. I left them to fend for themselves on the edges of the now shaved lawn area. Afterwards after a day of hanging out, I brought the mower back and got it back in the shed over here. Mission accomplished!

Beach, Dog Snuggles, Art, Family, Nothing Better

Family came to visit this weekend. Sort of an impromptu visit but it was a good one. Friday night I grilled and we did a firepit as everyone got settled. Saturday we went to the DeCordova Museum in the afternoon to check out some sights, get some photo ops, etc. The hearts are the best thing there in my opinion but that slanted house which is a newer installation was also pretty cool. Naturally we had to pose with it, along with some other installations. Had pizza in the afternoon at the hotel, and then headed to the beach in the late afternoon for some swim time. I think the dog had the best time of all!

Sunday was another low key day, breakfasts and then I watched the dog while everyone went to the pool to cool off and/or exercise. I will say the dog was extremely well behaved and such a pleasure to be around. Such a sweet dog. Not sure how Carson felt about everything but he got through it. Late afternoon was another grilling session, LD and one guest helped with some amazing sides, and even had the landlady down the street over to join.

All in all it was a pretty amazing time! Go figure!

.I will admit, I am a little fried at the moment. Geez, it’s tough to get older!