It may be me, but it seems like this summer there sure is a lot of rabbits running around. In fact, in our driveway in Somerville I see a baby bunny occasionally hopping around (so cute), which to me is somewhat amazing. Growing up we’d never see wildlife like that but now they are everywhere and appear to be thriving! I do remember having frogs and even a turtle once, although I’m also unsure of where those came from. You wouldn’t think they’d be able to survive in a concrete jungle but they do.
The wild bunnies have become a part of our lives. From thinking of them as being sent by loved ones from above to watch over us, to giving them names like “StreetWalker Bunny” for ones that hang along the street and “X Street Bunny” where X is the name of the street that they were seen at, to even changing the lyrics while singing the song Beach Baby from the group First Class (1974) in the jukebox to Beach Bunny. In their own way, they make sharing our lives with them a little richer. All I ask is that they stay out of the lettuce box, but the truth is, I don’t even mind that.