Finally on the Cape for a week to start a week of summer vacation – it’s been a long time in coming, believe me. The day started off with tying up some work items, taking LD to a chiro appointment, and doing some other quick errands, but then we were off!
The first stop which we like to do is grab lunch in Sandwich at a place called Fisherman’s View – which sits right along the Cape Cod Canal.

I had the beer batted cod sandwich which was very good and LD had a lobster knuckle sandwich which looked and tasted amazing. I give that place two thumbs up – food’s great and has some spectacular views. Like I said, it sits along the canal and abuts the Sandwich Marina and park, which the town did a wonderful job of making look pretty sweet. Worth a visit if you’re ever down that way – it’s also not far from the Dan’l Webster, so if you’re familiar with that part of town you’re almost there.

After a bit more driving we arrived at out destination for the week. It’s in the same complex that we go to almost every year, but this time around we had to choose a different unit due to a friend wanting the use the main unit (long story). We’ve never been over on this side of the complex, but I find that I actually like it – it’s more secluded and it’s actually very cute! So, pleasantly surprised on that note. It also seems a little bigger but that could just be the way it’s laid out.
We decided to hit the grocery store up to get some food, but honestly, mostly snacks for the week. Once that was done we decided to catch some sunset down over by Paine’s Creek – a very scenic spot if you ask me – I got some great shots from there last year as well. However, it was very buggy so I didn’t stay out there too too long. I think I got some good shots though considering. Also, there was a looming cloud blocking the sun a bit toward the end so that made ending a little early a simple decision. However, we weren’t totally done yet – we headed over to Nauset Beach (on the ocean side) as night was approaching to listen to some crashing waves in the darkness. We wrapped it up with a trip to the Chocolate Sparrow and downed some delicious hot chocolates. All in all, a great day for day number one!
Gametime: https://robie.itch.io/on-your-marks