So far the day started out with waking up and getting over to the clubhouse for donuts and coffee. Then it was just a matter of what to do today. Decided to take a jaunt out to West Dennis to get in some beach time. Along they way we stopped and two little libraries, got some books and dropped some off. Finally we arrived at the beach, set up the umbrella and our chairs, LD had a little swim, and I got a little sun – soaking up the sea breezes along the coastline.
One the other side of the beach is an inlet area where some sea birds like to congregate. LD spotted some piping plovers and sandpipers, along with some least terns – most of these birds are endangered and federally protected as they like to nest in these areas. We noticed the sandpipers in particular doing this strange behavior – walking side by side in circles and in unison – almost like a dance, pretty cool to watch actually. Did not appear to be mating behavior, perhaps just a way that they search for food? Eventually they did split up, but the synchronization was cool.
Stopped along the way back for an afternoon break at a Dunkins down here – I discovered it was by far the worst dunkin experience I’d ever had. Mostly due to the dude taking the orders – could he get anything right? Also, I didn’t want extra ice in my hot coffee, I wanted extra ice in the ice tea that LD wanted that you neglected to input at all. Also, the wait time was ridiculous – I was steaming by the time I got out of there, which was way too long, but I calmed myself down – after all, it’s not worth getting fired up about.
Then it was time for a late afternoon dip in the outside pool. Did that for about 1/2 hour – best time to go is around supper time between 6 and 7 pm as most people and annoying kids are eating. When they came back though was signal to us it was time to get out. Children are annoying. Part 2 coming as the next sunset time arrives – where will we head out to tonight? Stay tuned!