Until I can get the media file load issue straightened out, I’ll have to link the few that I can from my Insta account for now. Anyways, here are the osprey family that I mentioned earlier. This particular nest was settled in a pole like structure right in the harbor, These birds are actually pretty plentiful down here. They are part of the hawk/eagle family of birds. These are youngsters in the nest awaiting their parents, although they look like they’re ready to strike out on the own if you ask me.
After the boat ride out to Monomoy to see the seals (although nothing could compare to the year we saw them all beached up on the sandbars), we had a nice lunch at a place next door, Brax, and then hit some little libraries around Chatham. Actually scored a bunch of possibly good ones. They usually do have good reading down these parts.
I changed the look of the site a little bit – I think I like this design tweak better than what I had before, but I may change it again. And then, I took a short nap.