I’ve been feeling so sleepy these days. Not sure why since I seem to be getting enough sleep. Maybe it’s residual from that last Sunday when the power went out over at Earth-1. Maybe it’s because I got t up early yesterday morning to get some yard work out of the way that I’ve been meaning to get to. I mowed and edges the front and cleaned up the back patio and weeded around the edges. All in all I think it looks pretty good! I also cleaned up some of the spearmint that was starting to invade. Maybe it’s a little bit of depression. No matter what’s causing it I feel like I’m dragging lately.
BBQ’d up a few items tonight for dinner. Also bought 3 pots of Mums. I like Mums but I also don’t like them just for the simple reason it means summer is ending. Finished the day off to a soothing fire burning in the pit.
I’m up to Level 117 of the first grouping of levels on SokoDroid, a game I posted about a few days ago. They’re getting really crazy now – sometimes takes me a day or two to solve, although I’m not playing it all day – just some minutes here and there. Keeps my brain busy for sure though.
Recorded a movie on the DVR called Lovelace, a story about the porn actress. Sounds interesting. Hopefully we’ll get to watch it tonight. Last night I just zoned out to Deadpool II.