Had a nice socially distanced visit and lunch from our other couple friends. It’s good to get some social time in. We were supposed to play Pictionary and maybe Cards Against Humanity at some point but we all talked so much that there wasn’t time by the end of it all. I’m heartbroken that it sounds like their business venture is going to fail mostly due to Covid shutting things down and nobody wanting to go. Not for anything they’ve done because it’s all by the book, just the environment of what’s going on right now with small businesses. There’s a chance they’ll be able to recoup some of their losses but it’s still a letdown – their timing just wasn’t right. After they left we went to Wegman’s for a curbside pickup of some groceries – it’s way cheaper than delivery. I don’t mind too much going into supermarkets but I try to limit my time in them.
This afternoon we have another visitor coming, a colleague of LDs so that’ll be nice – sit by the firepit and burn some troubles away as today is more seasonal for it. I mowed both front and back lawns to clean up the place a bit and get rid of a lot of the fallen leaves. Needless to say we also cleaned the house inside yesterday as well and it looks really good!