The patio heater works! I got the tank filled and attached it to the device and lit the ignition with fingers crossed. Booted up right on the first try and I could immediately feel the heat radiating out of the device. Probably should buy a cover for it though to help protect it from some of the elements. Speaking of covers, we should probably buy a new one for the grill as well. The cover on there is over 11 years old and has served us admirably but it has a rip in the back that is just getting bigger and bigger over time. Time for an update for sure.
LD had me run over to the garden lady in town (the one we got a bunch of other bulbs from before). She had a bunch of lily bulbs she wanted to get rid of. We’ll plant them and hopefully get lots of lilies next season to look at! We just need to figure out where to actually place them. Might be a job for the weekend.
The photo is a throwback with a little updating by yours truly of when we stayed at the Castle Hill Inn in Newport, RI. This photo was from my first visit there. Still remains one of my favorites to visit and enjoy. Maybe another visit will be in the not too distant future?