As I began to clean out some of the pots from various detritus and dead plants from last season, a tiny rabbit leapt out of one of the pots and onto the deck! LD attempted to pick him up with the intention of returning him to the pot, but it leaped off the deck, into another pot below, and then scurried out and under the deck. We felt terrible for disturbing it; what if the baby isn’t ready to go out in the wild just yet? On a side note, I believe there was a second bunny in the pot, but it remained concealed. We ran out and got some lettuce just in case they or the mama gets hungry and maybe she can find him and put him back, although I’m not sure if that will happen. The Plight of the baby bunny! I feel horrible for disrupting the nest, but on the bright side, the bunny was well-developed and would have departed on its own in a day or two if I hadn’t intervened I’m thinking.
The photo above is from some flowers I picked up for LD a little while ago. I like having flowers around every now and again, I feel it brightens the place up. I can’t always get the kind of flowers I’d really like to get because they can be poisonous to the pet, but that’s the breaks.
Did a lot of stuff around the house today, even made trips out to some stores to get things to assist in these endeavors. Spring cleaning and all.