Love Me Some Sparkle for a Saturday

Sparkle the goat getting a neck rub from yours truly.

I noticed that I have to keep tightening my belt lately so I thought maybe I had lost a bunch of weight, but when I weigh myself it more or less says what it always had the last year or so, in the 160s. At my heaviest I was in the 180s but I generally average in the 160s apparently. I also got sucked into watching some This Old House reruns this morning, trying to learn some things and possibly get some ideas.

I feel you buddy.

Took a ride to the Sanctuary to drop off some lettuce and carrots as they were requesting some and we had ample supplies. So we did that and hung out there for about an hour. Then it was off to Home Depot for some plants and mulch. And then finally off to help console a couple of our friends who just recently lost their pet dog. We ate Montellio’s on their back deck in the sun as we talked and grieved the loss. Never an easy thing. After that we pretty much just came home and crashed. Ended up watching a Dateline that I had DVR’d but had to keep rewinding it to watch the ending like 3 times because I kept falling asleep! Was a pretty busy day I guess.