Watched this crazy documentary on Netflix the other night about a story of a family that was involved with a man who kidnapped their daughter. Twice. The real nutty part was that the dude was having sex with the mother and the father, but neither knew about it, all in a ploy to get to the daughter. The last L&O:SVU episode took a part of that story and incorporated into the episode a bit. Needless to say, if you ask me, the parents weren’t too swift to allow all that to happen the way it did. The documentary incase you’re interested is called Abducted in Plain Sight, and let me tell you, it’s a doozy. Just another reason why I much prefer factual things over fiction, since I find most of the times, the factual stuff is even crazier than anyone could dream up. And speaking of factual readings, that book about the women who ran the “Jane” service that I’m just about ready to finish is fascinating. And to think that parts of the country might have to go back to all of that? That’s insane. I heartily recommend the book.
Caught the end of the Celtics Bucks Game 5 last night. God, that was painful to watch in the last seconds.
I think I’m going to participate in the Annual Spring Bike Ride in Cambridge. I haven’t done it in a couple of years so maybe that’ll be a fun thing to do on a Saturday morning upcoming, although I’m probably pretty rusty and really haven’t ridden the bikes in quite a while. We also booked my second covid booster shot for a couple weeks out.
In the late afternoon I finished mowing the front and back lawns, which if you’ve ever been here know that that’s quite a bit. I wanted to get it done though before the real hot weather starts hitting our way tomorrow. As I do every year I dodged the random buttercups that grow in the middle of the back lawn. I don’t care if they’re considered a weed, I like them. Once they’re done blooming I’ll go over them but for now they stay and as a plus provide some nutrients for some local bees and other critters, so it’s ecologically sound. I also transplanted some of the lavender seedings into pots that LD had previously prepared. I still need to do some edging but I’ll try to get to that tomorrow sometime.