I had to head over to Earth-1 for part of the day today to get some things done that I needed to do. One was taking my mom to the dentist. She had a ride set up earlier in the week but I said I’d drive her so she cancelled the ride. The ride needs to know three days in advance your plans. Anyways we had thought the appointment was 11 but it was actually at 9:30. Long story short, I took her around 10:15 figuring they’d take her early since she was getting something really minor done. While we were in the waiting room my sister called my mom saying she locked herself out of the house, so while my mom waited we decided I should just pop over there and let my sister in, which I did. When I got back to the dentist (it’s not far from the house btw, in the Winter Hill neighborhood) my mom was waiting out front. I had wondered if she got done early. She said no. Apparently the dentist had to do a bunch of crowns today and they figured waiting all the time would be a waste of time, so she made a re-appointment for next Tuesday, since I will be around there on that day. So, for my sister it was advantageous that I just happened to be around but no so much so for my mom but that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometime. However, on a bit of bright news, I made my final car payment today! I have finished paying off the financing. Wow, where did the time go, seems like it flew by. I will say it’ll be sweet not to have to pay that every month anymore.

During the afternoon I saw on a local Earth-2 group that someone a block away from where I’m stationed during the day was getting rid of an end table and put it out on the sidewalk. Just so happens my mom was looking for a free or cheap end/coffee table for her back porch. When I went over to the street I was pleased to see that it was still there. so I popped it into the back of my truck and will deliver it on Saturday. Speaking of Saturday I have decided to do the bike ride. I briefly checked out the bike that I want to use, since I have two. I decided that the mountain bike would be too heavy so I’m going to go with the light cruiser. I’ll need to arrive early enough to give the tires one final fill-up and to get myself over to Harvard Square in time for the ride, so I’ll need to get up early. And remind myself to keep well hydrated since the forecast looks to be hot and sunny with temperatures approaching 92 Fahrenheit!
Speaking of work, the whole team is having our annual dinner tonight. They haven’t had it for the last two years due to the pandemic but we’re having it now. Some of the retirees are getting their plaques and props tonight as well, so that’ll be cool to see. My predecessor is going to be there whom I’ve yet to meet and I’m looking forward to saying hello.