My mom invited me to brunch over at a place called the S&S in Cambridge this morning so I took her up on her offer. I hadn’t been to that place since probably before the pandemic with LD. I ended up getting a turkey club with I must say was delicious. That place has been there forever and it’s always pretty good.
After dropping her off I decided that Mt. Auburn might be a good p[lace to get some autumn shots so I drove on over there with no set goal in mind and to just see what I see. However after today I feel I’m going to need to go again because there is just so much and I only had limited time today. There’s a few more sites there I want to check out and pay my respects to. As LD always says, “Mr. History!”
I did find a couple of noteworthy people in my walking today however. Stopped by Edwin Booth‘s grave, considered by many to be the greatest actor of the 18th century but unfortunately overshadowed by his younger brother killing Abraham Lincoln and Dorothea Dix, an advocate on behalf of mental health. Her grave is very non ostentatious considering all the achievements she accomplished in life.