One from the archives! Found this down in storage, a map of Lake Cochituate, specifically the wildlife habitat and geographic characteristics of the lake. Although I did this kind of work for close to 30 years (these are the sort of maps that I made for various projects although this is one I created for myself to learn the software, we were transitioning from AutoCAD which I loved, to a program called ArcGIS). I love the fish profiles I added to the bottom right. This piece was created circa 2003 but I consider the best years of that part of my life to be the mid to late 1990s. It was a very special time with amazing colleagues and projects.
Let me know if anyone is interested in seeing more stuff like this from my past. I have some great stuff and stories in that storage.

Gametime: Just a Series of Coin Flips. Fun little Puzzlescript game that kept me entertained for a few.