Couldn’t Save the Bird in the Fireplace

We heard sounds this afternoon of something flapping around in the fireplace. This had happened once before years ago and it was a crazy time with a bird flying through the house in a panic, smashing into windows and scaring the cat as I hit the floor as not to be divebombed. We tried calling various agencies but they were pretty much useless. By the time we decided how to go about trapping the bird, getting Carson squared away, and trying to figure out our plans it became too late. When I opened the grate to access the fireplace (which we don’t use and am pretty sure the flume is closed), I saw the little bird stuck underneath the metal thing that holds the logs. I scooped it out and it was breathing but it didn’t look good. We put it outside and I cleaned it off but the bird basically was a goner in a few minutes. At least I was there as it took it’s last breaths and I petted it’s little head (I was wearing gloves of course) so at least it didn’t die alone. We feel terrible but that’s the way of the world sometimes. I ended up burying it and saying a prayer.