Headed down to the home improvement store after my morning rounds and picked up some things. Firewood for the pit, safety goggles and gloves for the battery maintenance I’d like to get to this week, and some lawn bags. I wanted top get some flood lightbulbs to replace some of the ones in the parlor but I see they only carry the LED versions now. I wasn’t sure of the comparison so I decided to wait a bit on that until I can do more research on an equivalent replacement. They also seemed to be out of this BBQ grill spray from Weber that I like to use. I may need to go to Amazon to replenish that.
Tomorrow between my rounds I really want to tackle all the outside stuff, get rid of weeds, check on the pumpkins, mow the lawns, clean out the firepit, etc. etc.
Currently Reading: This one finally came through on my Libby after waiting for months, Drinking Games. It’s about alcoholism. Currently Watching: Watched two documentaries on the Hart family tragedy. I’m not sure how I had not heard about this story before. Broken Harts was one we watched on Max which has better production value but first we saw one on Tubi called A Thread of Deceit. Pretty fascinating story but tragic all the same and it brings up some interesting questions now looking back about the child care system.