July 4, 2020

Not the usual July 4th for sure, but lately everyday is more or less the same now – kinda sucks but such is life these days. Plus with the way things are right now it’s hard to celebrate America, but I suppose we will try.

My morning started by watching 2 finches learning to fly while pecking at some salvia on the patio. One of them would also try to land on a salvia branch but it couldn’t support it’s weight and would just land on the ground time and again.

Game time: Lonely Cube – good isometric puzzle game I’ve been playing lately. I’m currently stuck on level 7-8! Argh!

I found some pics I took when we visited Nantucket back in 2010 (!) but I wish I had taken more back then – I’m not satisfied with what I got, so in the future someday I would like to re-visit the island, just a day trip, to get some more sights captured.

Had the old landlords over for a socially distanced BBQ this afternoon. Good times!