Playing around with some black and white photography. What do you think?
Saw the hummingbird again this morning flitting around on the back deck. Such a cool little bird – wild to watch it just hover. I’m hoping maybe someday I could photograph him. He stayed for a while this time too but never long enough.
I had an interesting thought yesterday as we strolled around a local cemetery (always looking for different places to walk and get a change of scenery). It occurred to me that unless you did something noteworthy and had some renown, most of us would be forgotten within a generation or two. The newer graves had flowers and other things left behind by loved ones, but the older graves had nothing. People who remembered them are probably gone now as well. I mean, I know nothing of my grandparent parents, who they were, what they were like, and same of their parents and so on up the line. I know, what an uplifting thought! But then I thought, well, as long as you made a difference, no matter how small, to the people around you now, perhaps that’s all that is needed and that’s enough for me.
Tonight’s movie watch was Patch Adams. Interesting role for Robin to play, in hindsight.