So it was nice to just float in the water this afternoon at Skaket Beach. I like this beach because there’s no rocks, and the slope is extremely gradual and calm. You have to get there at high tide though or you’ll be walking for miles to get to some water. After soaking in the water for a while, we took up some sun sitting under our umbrella enjoying the day. I think I may have even fell asleep briefly. We plan on returning there tomorrow, possibly, when our other couple friends come down to hang out for the day.
After coming back and showering, we were hankering for some dinner, so we headed out to another place we visit down here, Pate’s. Then after that we decided to head down to the working fish pier because we’ve had lots of luck there seeing seals just hanging around – just down the road from the Chatham Bars Inn. There appeared to be a mother and her young one frolicking around. I also spotted a snowy egret looking for food, kicking it’s legs in the water trying to stir up things – it caught something too and downed it quickly, whatever it was.

Then we headed over the Harding’s Beach in Chatham to catch another sunset – even though it was covered by some clouds the sun finally peaked out toward the very end. Finally it was off to Chocolate Sparrow for another hot chocolate with soy milk and chocolate syrup – I can’t get enough of that stuff! Must be the way they froth it or something but it’s delicious. Now it’s time to just chill, maybe watch a little television or read a little, and then get ready for another day tomorrow.