Back at home base for a few. It was a very good week though, hanging out at the complex, taking shots at Paine’s Creek, sunning at West Dennis Beach, going on a seal cruise and catching sunsets at Linnels Landing, Rock Harbor, Harding Beach, Crosby Landing (location of the original “Brewster Buds!” – LD and I’s first photos together at the Cape), cruising around Eastham and gorging ourselves at Arnold’s, having a nice dinner at Pate’s and swimming at Skaket Beach at high tide, hanging out with M&M in Yarmouth and then at the pool for a few hours, hitting the Chocolate Sparrow and Jo Mama’s Bagels a bunch of times (and visiting the Hole In One for breakfast once), exploring all over Truro into unexplored territory for us, doing a little shopping, yadda yadda yadda. Finished reading some books and getting a lot of new ones in Little Libraries we visited all over (Chatham had the best, IMO). Hanging by the fish pier in Chatham to catch some seals just hanging around the dock. A playful calf was nice enough to give us a little show while it’s mother watched by patiently). Visiting Nauset and Highland Light and checking out the waves along the Cape Cod National Seashore. Seeing varied bird life including plovers, herons, egrets, sandpipers, turkeys with babies, and juvenile ospreys almost getting ready to lave the nest.

SO after driving home (but stopping by Lemon Tree before heading out – a place that has some cool statuary for gardens and such – would love to get some giant lions someday but probably won’t ever happen) we got some grocery shopping done. Also all the blinds and artwork ordered before the trip for the remodeled bedroom have arrived, so we’re going to need to put those up. In the meantime finally got to watch the documentary I Love You, Now Die, about the girl who texted her boyfriend to commit suicide and did. Fascinating from a psychological and legal perspective. Was also nicely surprised to see that all the plants around here actually fared really well while we were gone, as the stargazers are ready to pop, the fire lilies are STILL blooming, the balloon flowers are showing, and Sean the Pumpkin is actually growing with huge leaves!

I literally took over 1,000 photos in total from the week. Perhaps I’ll get around to putting more up as the days and weeks go by. But I also have to be getting ready to plan the next vacation in couple weeks! I do need to get some work done beforehand however, bah!