Hmmm… one thing I’ve noticed with this template is that comments aren’t on the main page posts but inside each individual one, which means if one wanted to leave a comment, they need to click on the title text and then from there a comment can be entered. Not so sure if I like that, but I get so few comments anyway it probably doesn’t matter.

It’s really hot today, so pretty much laying low and reading. I’m finally getting into The Last Days of Dogtown. Sort of interesting, but I wonder if these characters are actually going anywhere. I’m halfway through so far., but I am finding it intriguing. We did get a much needed massage earlier, so that felt good and relaxing. I stopped by my mom’s early this morning. The condo being constructed on the right side has carpenters banging away as they’re putting up floors and walls. The soon-to-be condo on the left side however now has a Stop Work notice on the front door – guess someone needs some permits. The house appears to be gutted but I don’t think it’s going to be a total teardown – more like an expansion of what’s currently there. Also, my sister seems to be putting my mom through hell with her attitude, stupid current boyfriend issues, and disregard for authority.

Since it was so hot today we opted to keep it easy and light and create a summer salad. Basically just throwing the following ingredients together: Spinach, chopped nectarines, chopped watermelon (a little one bought at the Cape but not used til now), shrimp (leftover), feta cheese, some pretzel balls, cut up grapes, avocado, and some blueberries topped with a balsamic dressing. It was actually as delicious as it sounds. After eating I must have spent a half hour watering all the various plants we have – but it’s a labor of love!