Sunday’s are Fine

Morning coffee and book with a view, Rockport, MA. This is living.

“Today’s goals: Coffee and kindness. Maybe two coffees, and then kindness.”

Nanea Hoffman

Mornings are the best time of day – don’t you think. At least I do. It’s by far my favorite part of the day, especially on weekends and in the summer.

I like the quietness, with only the birds singing and the early morning breezes rustling the delicate leaves on the trees. The day isn’t hot yet, the sun still managing to rise up into the sky, all the while watching the silent cottontails sitting still and occasionally nibbling on the dewy grass. Sometimes I’ll use the time to read some chapters of whatever book I want to get into at the time. Other times, it’s spent doing a crossword puzzle, the ink from my pen spilling and spelling out the letters into the blank boxes. My coffee cup steaming next to me.

I spent the afternoon reading and finished the book I’ve been reading, Motherless Brooklyn (the second half is a totally different story than the movie version , really a different story totally. Almost like the movie melded parts of the novel and The Power Broker of which none of that is in the novel. Totally different stories and characters that have no relation to each other! So if you’ve seen the movie, read the book – the story is different.) Now I’m looking for new reading material. Any suggestions – non-fiction only please.

Tonight I grilled up some shrimp, salmon, carrots, and a yellow zucchini squash. Something simple. A nice relaxing and lazy kind of a day.