Another very cold but sunny day.
I’m tired of winter, I’m tired of snow, and I’m freakin tired of this gd pandemic.
Another very cold but sunny day.
I’m tired of winter, I’m tired of snow, and I’m freakin tired of this gd pandemic.
Not that I’m feeling particularly crappy these days emotionally, but things could always be better. Good days and bad days, just go with the flow and hope for the best moving forward.
Unrelated: If money was never an object I would like a 1957 Chrysler 300. Cars back then were so stylish.
I’ve rediscovered a show from the 80s that I used to watch on Tubi – a serial television show called Crime Story. Time ranked Crime Story as one of the best television programs of 1986. I just remember liking the cars and the gritty mobster feel. Now that I can watch the whole thing without missing any episodes the story can be much clearer to me as it’s somewhat of an episodic show. I’m about 5 episodes in and the story is starting to heat up (although episode 2 was really weird). Can’t wait to get to the one where Julia Roberts first appears. It was her first tv work. Do you remember this show? Did you watch it? Did you like it?
So far today I’ve seen a hawk in the back yard hanging out in a tree, Carson and I watching a cat right out front take down a blue jay and carry it off in it’s mouth (strangely Carson watched intently but didn’t spaz even though they were right in front of his face!), and tried to fill up air in my car’s tires but the machine I go to is currently out of order. Maybe I can find another one later today if I feel like exploring a bit (but probably not).
Did a fire out on the patio this afternoon- was jonesin to try out this new wood that I purchased. I did order a new steel poker though because the one that came with the pit kind of broke (the handle came off and broke in two), so this’ll be a nice upgrade as I got a decently built one that should last forever. I also recently updated the firmware on the home cams so I needed to reset them since 2 of the 3 weren’t displaying but after I went through the setups (essentially resetting them) I got them all up and running again, so that kept me busy for a little while.
Inauguration bunny. This bunny showed up in the back yard yesterday during the days proceedings. Never saw this guy before. I like the white fur on its face! Hope he comes around again sometime. What should I name him? Auggie?
Thank God. Finally we can get back to normalcy and decency and getting to work on the work that needs to be done!
Took my mom to an appointment down at the CHA in Assembly Square today. Her two fingers on her hand have been bothering her for quite a while now – basically has very little feeling in them and makes buttoning things and such difficult to accomplish. Basically it sounds like it comes down to some kind of carpel thing and muscle loss. I’ll need to take her back in a couple of months for some tests that they do and if surgery is required, which it sounds like it might be. Sounds like a small rather simple incision, we’ll see. While I was waiting outside (Since you can’t go in – covid) I ended up walking around some of the blocks down there to get in some steps. After that I paid some bills and renewed some stuff online.
Spent part of the morning taking a walk on the beach as today was a rather nice day. I even found another heart shaped rock. We took a picture of it along with some beach calligraphy that the Ladydoc was kind enough to create and rejuvenate our souls. Nothing like some great beach air and sights to get a walk in. Get sick of walking around the block sometimes. Anyways maybe finding these things are good signs for the future, right? Got to keep the faith. Think I was able to get some pretty good photos, the lighting seemed pretty good. I’ll see as I go through them later in the week.
Spent the latter part of the afternoon rearranging the sitting room as it’s becoming a makeshift work from home office for LD during these winter months when using the sun room isn’t really feasible. Also finally took down the xmas tree which really opened up the room quite a bit. It looks so much bigger to me now and open. I’d say a it’s a good change of pace.
Got my Mega Millions and Powerball tickets ready to go. I only play when the jackpots get big and only 1 ticket. I’ve seen people in line spends hundreds on tickets when all you need is just one with the correct numbers. I don’t even care to hit the big jackpot – it’s almost too much – but second or third place wouldn’t be so bad. Anyways, when it’s like this you have to try just on the off chance. Total pipedream but worth a shot.
You can watch all the Hunter episodes streamed on Tubi. For some reason that cable channel I’ve been binging them on doesn’t include the 1st episodes of the first 6 seasons so I’ll be watching those on this service. Show wasn’t the same after the “Brass Cupcake” DeeDee left, probably why it tanked after. Those early seasons are gold! hard to believe they’re over 30 years old now. I only have about 12 more episodes to go and I’ll have seen them all. I like that the networks are playing the older shows since there’s not much new content due to the pandemic.
Finally got around the removing all the remaining holiday lights from the front of the house this afternoon. I’ve been somewhat of a hibernation mode lately as there hasn’t been anything really new to blog on about in my personal life at the moment. It’ll change eventually but for now, quiet times for me. There’s enough going on in the national scene right now anyway. Here’s a pic from a trip up to the White Mountains of New Hampshire back in 2013, back when we could do outings like that.
Had to take a ride into Boston last night to pick up something. While there stopped by the Esplanade to grab a few pics and then headed over to Luke’s Lobsters for takeout over on Exeter Street. I must say the lobster rolls and lobster mac and cheese were quite tasty! Been so long since we’ve even done a takeout. Knocked me out early as I feel asleep on the beanbag and didn’t wake up until 1 in the morning.
Boston was a ghost town by the way. So strange to see the area so deserted of people.
Today was much more social as in the early afternoon we had some folks over for a socially distanced firepit outing and then in the late afternoon a Zoom session with our friends that somehow lasted 4 hours!
“Yesterday we stood at the edge of the earth, dipped our toes in with abandon, and invited the universe to provide us with our next lesson.”
-Ladydoc 1/1/2021
Yesterday we took a trip out to the beach to get some air and reflect on the new year ahead. Fresh start. I picked up a really smooth rock and am using it as a worry stone. This is also the beach where I found that cool heart shaped rock last summer. Also this morning we had breakfast with two sloths. (virtually). The zoo had this Zoom meeting thing where you could learn about the sloths and such. It was basically aimed at children but I enjoyed it too.
Tried watching the Godfather II yesterday afternoon. I don’t know maybe it’s me, but I found it kind of boring. Only watched about 1/4 of it – Unfortunely it was being DVR’d and took up too much space and erased all my season 7 of Hunter that I didn’t get to see yet (only season I haven’t caught yet – pretty much saw all the other episodes now) so I have to re-record them the next time they air on Z-Living. Just so happens that they’re running them now so that works out.