Love Me Like Saturday Night

Nubble Light stay bathed in shades of grey

Today was a beautiful day and so today was more or less dedicated to gardening activities. LD even had a great idea to use a part of the middle of the lawn that’s always been a problem and had some kind of a sinkhole like situation and so we converted it into a planting bed with a bunch phlox we purchased and some new dirt and placed some stones around. It looks pretty amazing and really produces a nice accent point. She also split a bunch more hostas which we then used to replant at different areas around the fence line that seem a bit bare, hoping they’ll take (which I believe they will) and fill in those areas nicely. I moved all the remaining pots out of the shed for planting things as well. Let me tell you, I am dog tired now. Also hooked up the hoses and some worked on some other round-the-house activities.

It would appear that little Shiloh has moved on. We left some lettuce and water out for him and come the next day it looked like there was a nibble or two, but he was gone. Good luck and be safe little friend!