Building a Cinderblock Garden One Step at a Time

Today we spent some time beginning to construct the cinder block garden. Actually, LD performed the majority of the labor and design, and I think it turned out beautifully! She had an appointment for a second booster this morning, so we did that before moving all the blocks about, filling with rocks and dirt, and planting the Vinca and Phlox. Then, to finish off the look, mulching and planting in a few other spots. It’s coming along beautifully, in my opinion. I believe it will all fill in nicely as these plants establish themselves and begin to flourish. That’s certainly the hope!

In the early evening we watched a TED talk hosted by Brené Brown about vulnerability which we thought was pretty good on Netflix. And then some thing about Roseanne on Reelz. We did these things while eating dinner.

Our muscles have been hurting a little bit these days. Naturally LD’s arm is a bit sore but that’s to be expected. In my latest news, I must have slept wrong last night as my shoulder and neck are killing me. Heating pad times again for this aging blogger.