Here’s a spooky picture I took a while back in Wrentham, just passing by and happened to come upon the scene whilst we were out doing other things.
Had a good time the other night at the get together, I ended up grilling steaks, chicken and potatoes. LD made a coffee rub, with mixed results, but it was worth trying. In addition, we got the fire pit going and I even fired up the outdoor heater, which lit up like a charm. It works really well too after a couple of minutes being next to it. I got around to doing some yard work, and preparing a few things for the colder weather coming soon around here, such as shutting off the front faucets and storing the hose (leaving to beck one up for now) and replacing the front door screen with the glass pane to cut down on the chill that happens because Carson likes the door open to see what’s going on outside.
Speaking of Carson, he actually came down while our visitors were present, stayed, and interacted with them. For that, we were very proud of him. He even began to nod off while our visitors, who were in the same room, saw him on the Fuf XL, which is simply a large bean bag. He’s made significant progress in terms of being more sociable lately.
As for tonight being Halloween, we were ready to see what little ghosts and goblins would come up to the door. Final tally: about 100 kids!