(Library) Friends with Benefits

Yesterday evening I got a chance to head on down to Earth-1 and finally get my physical library card that was applied for online last week. Didn’t really get it to take out books, although that is the main perk, but more so for all the various discounts to things that you get if you have the card and are part of the network. There’s also access to digital media now such as Kanopy, Libby and Hoopla which offer access to movies and shows—plus eBooks, audiobooks, comics, and streaming music. It can be used as a pass to get into museums and zoos or get some major discounts. You can even take out musical instruments now along with some electronics. So some good bennies there.

It was kind of funny chatting with the librarian there while I was getting set up into the system. She asked if I ever had a card there before and I said that I did but it had been many, many years since. Like probably not since the 80s. I mentioned it was a tan color and she knew what I was talking about. “Oh! The tan one with the sticker on the back!” which I remember it did have so I said “Yes!” “Oh yeah, that is ancient.” she replied. “Back then you didn’t even get the card right away, you had to wait for it to appear in your mailbox!” she told me. “Yes!” I replied again, having been reminded of that when she mentioned it. It’s amazing what you can forget but then one sentence from somebody can bring back the memory. Anyways she mentioned if you don’t use it within 5 years you pretty much get erased from the system, so that pretty much must have happened to me probably by the early 90s. It was a amusing little conversation and I was in and out of there within five minutes.

But now I’m all set up for some sweet benefits from the local library!

Email from Duxbury congratulating me!

The people at Duxbury Beach Reservation just got back to me, letting me know that some of my work would be on their calendar for the following year. More information will be provided once I receive it, and they will send me a copy of it for me to keep. I was also asked to a gathering with all the other photographers and similar professionals. I’ll check into it a little further, but for the time being, I’m very eager to share some of my work with the people of Duxbury!

Update! We have decided to go to the awards ceremony early next month! Looking forward to this exciting reception!