Yesterday ended up being a very busy day after all, even though it didn’t seem kike much was planned. I was pretty busy helping out LD since her car ended up being in the shop for much of the day for some needed TLC. First there was the drive to the gym to get some reps in. Looks like they instituted some system to make sure randos don’t come in and use the pool or hot tub without authorization (who would do such a thing? * me looking around innocently*). I’m sure it’ll pass after a few. Then it was back home for a little bit before heading back out to drive LD to a Dr’s appointment over at Newtown-Wellesley. We got a parking spot in the garage literally right at the very front, which never happens, so that was pretty amazing. While I was in the waiting room actually is where I learned about some of the places that I want to check out that I mentioned in the last post, by me going through some of the old magazines lying around in the waiting room to pass my time. After that it was off to Braintree for LD’s Pedi appointment. While she was in there getting worked on I took a stroll over to Sunset Lake. It was a hot and humid day but by the lake was nice and cool. In fact, that’s where I snapped the picture up above. I’ve taken some autumn shots from this location in the past. It was pretty quiet on this day though. I stayed sitting on a bench for about an hour until I saw the skies getting ominously dark above. I didn’t want to get soaked so I trudged back to my parked car by the spa but by then the sun came out full force and it got hot and humid again. Not the greatest time to discover that my car A/C system must need a recharge since cold air doesn’t seem to emanate from the vents anymore, which was weird since it was the day before. Just bad timing I guess. When LD got down we learned her car was ready so from the spa we drove to go pick it up. When we got home we made some pizzas., A couple of flatbread ones that came with the week’s meal kit, and then rolled some dough on our own and made another one, mostly because we had to use all the ingredients before they went bad.
We’re finally getting back to working on the basement! The redone stairs are almost done and the new doorway to bypass going all around the basement to get to the other side will be getting installed this week, it looks like.