The story behind the photo: I really like this one. Reminds me I need to get back into birding more. Anyways, we had taken a boat cruise around the harbor in one of the Cape towns last year, I think it might have been in Dennis or somewhere around there. And we just happened to pass by this osprey nest. Thankfully I had the foresight to bring my complement of lenses so I switched to one where I could get a closer shot of them. I actually have a bunch of different shots from this but I felt this was one of the better ones. I remember having to try to brace myself as the boat kept wobbling over the waves. I assume they were waiting for their parent although they looked like they were just about ready to head out on their own. The fact that their eyes are still brown rather than yellow also signifies them as juveniles. I like how the two on the right appear to looking directly at me.
Today was the first day I ever applied for unemployment in 30+ years. Hopefully that won’t take too long to start kicking in. Crazy. Mulch arrived but although sunny today it’s kind of chilly – maybe I’ll start putting it down tomorrow or Friday or maybe even over the weekend – days really have no meaning lately so everyday is like a weekend day I guess. Gonna Zoom meet with some friends tonight – not the same as in person, but something nonetheless.