
a nest of ospreys
A nest of juvenile Ospreys, West Dennis, MA

The story behind the photo: I really like this one. Reminds me I need to get back into birding more. Anyways, we had taken a boat cruise around the harbor in one of the Cape towns last year, I think it might have been in Dennis or somewhere around there. And we just happened to pass by this osprey nest. Thankfully I had the foresight to bring my complement of lenses so I switched to one where I could get a closer shot of them. I actually have a bunch of different shots from this but I felt this was one of the better ones. I remember having to try to brace myself as the boat kept wobbling over the waves. I assume they were waiting for their parent although they looked like they were just about ready to head out on their own. The fact that their eyes are still brown rather than yellow also signifies them as juveniles. I like how the two on the right appear to looking directly at me.

Today was the first day I ever applied for unemployment in 30+ years. Hopefully that won’t take too long to start kicking in. Crazy. Mulch arrived but although sunny today it’s kind of chilly – maybe I’ll start putting it down tomorrow or Friday or maybe even over the weekend – days really have no meaning lately so everyday is like a weekend day I guess. Gonna Zoom meet with some friends tonight – not the same as in person, but something nonetheless.


Rock Harbor Sunset

“Okay Mother Nature — You win.”

The story behind the photo: This was taken at Rock Harbor in Orleans. This is one that I was surprised by. This was actually taken just in the parking lot so if I stepped the shot back just a foot or two you would see the awful pavement and surrounding automobiles. I do think in a strange way the Earth is trying to reset itself – you hear stories of pollution way down and marine life returning to the canals of Venice. Maybe Mother Nature has had enough and wants time to heal and so is forcing it to happen, the only way she knows how.

Rivulets in the Sand

Rivers in the sand

“You don’t need to be the tide to rise and fall, you don’t have to be a wave to touch the shore; just be a little sand-grain and feel them all.”

In these days of staying at home, I’ve been going to go through some older photos I just have laying around on my storage devices, touch them up, and if I think they’re worthy enough – sharing them, to keep the content coming. As I may have mentioned before, I will literally take tens to hundreds of shots from a location in which only one gets to be posted. So how’s about another sunset photo – people seem to like those! Once again, I like the texture of the sand in this one – the rivulets marking tiny canals throughout.

Other things we’ve been doing to keep sane, is going out for a little walk at lunchtime. We discovered a little trail very nearby that cuts across some streets, like a shortcut, which has these pretty blue wildflowers growing along it. Also beating a game called Colorkey, although admittedly I found it pretty easy except for the last level.

BONUS! I just found out that NECN (a local news station in Boston) shared my Blue sunset photo below on their page! Might be shown on the news segment – I’ll be keeping a look out for that!


Another Sunset

The story behind the photo: Another Cape sunset shot this time from July 2018. The original shot is much more orange – I altered the tint in post production to give it less warmth. I particularly like the texture of the water lapping up onto the shore in this one.

Today’s Message

Brewster, MA

“Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light. “

The story behind the photo: It’s shots like this one that make me think that maybe I could be a good photographer. This one is from last summer vacationing on the Cape. We basically would scope different locations every day for possible good sunset shots. I was somewhat protected this time from all the biting bugs having learned my lesson from the year before, but they were still pretty brutal swarming all over my face. I think it had rained earlier in the day and it was just wrapping up which is why there’s clouds in this photo. I think this photo could represent what’s going on in our lives at the moment, in a way, with a symbol of hope at the end of it all – just trying to be positive in a sea of sh*t.

Remembering the Need

Meditating in this point in time for a bit…

Kids are out of school now. So now a thing is that some of them might have trouble getting food and meals that they rely on. I grew up on Welfare since my mom was a single mom so I can kind of relate, although we always had food in house, no doubt thanks to my grandparents. I remember actually going down and waiting with my mom while she got the block of cheese (the government cheese! yes, that really was a thing, don’t believe they do that anymore – they give you money to buy your own now). We were never destitute thank God, but hearing the latest stories did make me remember those long ago times. We might not have had much, but it was enough, and appreciative of what we had and have.

Missing Simpler Times

Take me back to happier times…

Been feeling a bit bummed out lately – actually, it’s been going on for a while. Good days, bad days – just trying my best to get through. Tired of being anxious all the time, trapped in a world of my own making.

I did take LD out to Sky Bar last night for her birthday so that was good, and we’re going to some place called Abby Park tomorrow as part of restaurant week. I went to Target today to get some supplies she wanted in all the hoopla about the COVID-19 baloney, but they didn’t have everything on my list so I got what I could. Today I just feel like laying low, making dinner, watching television, and awaiting the fates that the future may hold.

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead.

2019 wasn’t the worst year ever, but certainly wasn’t the best for me either. I think 2020 is probably going to be a bit of a test as well, especially at the beginning, but hopefully over time things will improve.

Anyways let’s look at the bright spots. Here are some of the highlights that I can remember from 2019, in no particular order:

Losing Oreo but gaining Carson.

Visiting Blue in Newburyport in a snowstorm.

Nice beach views!

Seeing Damone perform live again. Kris Kristofferson too with/for my mom.

Baby Robins! It was a thrill every day to see how they would progress, from eggs, too little alien looking things, to growing feather, and finally saying goodbye. Their mother was amazing in her care of them.

Scoring free tickets to see Jack Nicholson in the Shining at the Somerville Theatre.

Mother’s Day Cruise aboard the Beauport Liner in Gloucester.

Scenes along the Gloucester harbor.

Remodeling the bedroom, scoring a free bike on one of the Buy Nothing Facebook groups.

Large Condo apartments being built on either side of Earth-1 property, squeezing a rose between two thorns. Ridiculous!

Michelle coming to visit and doing Alpaca Yoga with her.

Gardening game going strong, and growing “Sean”, our first pumpkin.

Going away to the Cape for a week, getting some good photos, but having to be in a different unit than usual next to the “murderers.” Not really – they were just really quiet and not sure where the rest of their party disappeared to.

Cape sunsets are the best.

Having a short stay on the Jersey shore, in an historic BnB but narrowly avoiding what could have been a massive storm!

The storm moving in!

Trying another bout of baby goat yoga at a place in Georgetown. Will definitely visit again but also will probably hit our go to place in NH as it seems their babies are really small and cute.

Waquesset Inn overnight stay.

the patio.

New website design after the old system could no longer be supported.

Boston views as always:

Finally some books I read thus far in 2019:

Books I read in 2019. Bad Blood, Maybe you should talk to Someone, and Still Alice being favorites.

Wequassett Morning

Morning’s view.

Day 2 at the W. Yesterday we had lunch in Sandwich on the way down (one of our usual spots by the Canal). Soon enough we got to the place and checked in, had supper at a place called Pate’s that we like and they came through. The line was out the door upon opening – we never seen it so busy in the summer! Delicious meal, then we headed back and relaxed for the rest of the night.

Today after a restful night, we got room service which was nice. Hadn’t done that in a long time. Afterwards we went for a walk along the spit. Soon enough it was time to go. We didn’t head home right away though – we tried to hit some little library’s to see if we could score any good reading material. Came up empty this time, although I did find a book entitled Why Men Love Bitches. Senseless drivel? We hit a couple of beaches – they are pretty empty this time of year, but there’s something nice about the silence. We visited the wildlife area on South Chatham too but didn’t catch anything spectacular sadly. Of course we had to hit the Chocolate Sparrow for a quick lunch and some delicious drinks.

Although I had a good time I still feel bummed about a few other things going on. Hoping for the best, I know I’ll get through them. I also got a feeling that I’ve got a mad case of Seasonal Affective Disorder! This getting dark early sh*t sucks,

Chasing the Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron, Chatham MA

About a year ago, we happened upon this majestic creature just hanging out in a marsh in Chatham. I had taken pictures of herons before but for some reason this one really stands out – he didn’t seem as skinny as a lot of the other ones I had seen, and now that I look at it, maybe it’s a bit older than them as well. A grizzled veteran I would say. These birds don’t seem to be bothered by anything. I once saw a red winged blackbird pecking at one and squawking away, probably had a nest nearby, but the heron acted like it wasn’t even there. Totally ignoring the pecking and all, seemingly insignificant.

Who’s watching the watcher?

I plan on going to see the rock band Damone tonight – it’s been 10 years or so since they disbanded but now they are a doing a show down in Harvard Square. One of my favorite local bands from back in the day when I actually went to shows. Let’s hope I can stay up that late!

Let’s go somewhere where the sun kisses the ocean.

Guess we picked a good week last week to visit the Cape. They just got hit with a tornado so Yarmouth and Harwich are without power and there’s been a lot of damage to all the surrounding towns! Here’s a shot of Paine’s Creek at sunset during a much calmer time. Funny thing is that this week is usually the week that we go down there, but this year, other things got in the way so we went down a week earlier. Seems to me like it all worked out perfectly. I love it when a plan comes together!

Beware the Quiet Ones


One thing I forget to mention from last week was the “neighbors” we had in the unit next to us on the right side. They showed up the same as us, and were kind of annoying in the fact that they had to have the two spaces right in front of their unit. But the oddest thing about them was that all week, it appeared that they never left the unit – for anything! Also, they were so quiet it seemed they weren’t even there. Since there appeared to be about 6 of them, included a young boy with a guitar, you would think we would have heard something. We had no problem hearing the other unit on the left side, with their riding their bikes out back, and flying a drone around. Thankfully after that first weekend, some of them must have cleared out because they became quieter – but not so much as this other family. The Ladydoc thought the women might have murdered the men since there was no hide no hair of them to be seen all week – including the child! (BTW- this is when you’ve realized that you’ve been watching too many murder/mystery shows like Dateline and such over the years – when this is your thought process). Then, finally, on the day we have to pack up and leave, there they all are packing up the family trucksters – checkout time wasn’t until 10 am but they were all packed and gone by 8:30!

It was just odd that they never appeared to leave the unit – not to leave to get some pool time in, or barbecue out back, or even take in the beach or catch some sights, as we did. And the silence! Not to say that it was not appreciated by us – it certainly was. It was just so odd to be so silent and cooped in. Anyways, I hope they enjoyed their vacation!

I forgot to mention, the other day this movie was on called Never Too Young To Die starring John Stamos, Vanity and Gene Simmons. I had never heard of the movie. It is terrible! Like, really, really terrible. A real train wreck, and yet that’s what makes you want to watch it. Definitely one for a watch party. Makes we wonder why the hell Stamos took on this project at the time.

Chasing Sunsets

Orleans, MA

Hmmm… one thing I’ve noticed with this template is that comments aren’t on the main page posts but inside each individual one, which means if one wanted to leave a comment, they need to click on the title text and then from there a comment can be entered. Not so sure if I like that, but I get so few comments anyway it probably doesn’t matter.

Chatham Harbor

It’s really hot today, so pretty much laying low and reading. I’m finally getting into The Last Days of Dogtown. Sort of interesting, but I wonder if these characters are actually going anywhere. I’m halfway through so far., but I am finding it intriguing. We did get a much needed massage earlier, so that felt good and relaxing. I stopped by my mom’s early this morning. The condo being constructed on the right side has carpenters banging away as they’re putting up floors and walls. The soon-to-be condo on the left side however now has a Stop Work notice on the front door – guess someone needs some permits. The house appears to be gutted but I don’t think it’s going to be a total teardown – more like an expansion of what’s currently there. Also, my sister seems to be putting my mom through hell with her attitude, stupid current boyfriend issues, and disregard for authority.

Sailing off the coast of Chatham.

Since it was so hot today we opted to keep it easy and light and create a summer salad. Basically just throwing the following ingredients together: Spinach, chopped nectarines, chopped watermelon (a little one bought at the Cape but not used til now), shrimp (leftover), feta cheese, some pretzel balls, cut up grapes, avocado, and some blueberries topped with a balsamic dressing. It was actually as delicious as it sounds. After eating I must have spent a half hour watering all the various plants we have – but it’s a labor of love!

Back to Reality

Back at home base for a few. It was a very good week though, hanging out at the complex, taking shots at Paine’s Creek, sunning at West Dennis Beach, going on a seal cruise and catching sunsets at Linnels Landing, Rock Harbor, Harding Beach, Crosby Landing (location of the original “Brewster Buds!” – LD and I’s first photos together at the Cape), cruising around Eastham and gorging ourselves at Arnold’s, having a nice dinner at Pate’s and swimming at Skaket Beach at high tide, hanging out with M&M in Yarmouth and then at the pool for a few hours, hitting the Chocolate Sparrow and Jo Mama’s Bagels a bunch of times (and visiting the Hole In One for breakfast once), exploring all over Truro into unexplored territory for us, doing a little shopping, yadda yadda yadda. Finished reading some books and getting a lot of new ones in Little Libraries we visited all over (Chatham had the best, IMO). Hanging by the fish pier in Chatham to catch some seals just hanging around the dock. A playful calf was nice enough to give us a little show while it’s mother watched by patiently). Visiting Nauset and Highland Light and checking out the waves along the Cape Cod National Seashore. Seeing varied bird life including plovers, herons, egrets, sandpipers, turkeys with babies, and juvenile ospreys almost getting ready to lave the nest.

Orleans sunsets are the best!

SO after driving home (but stopping by Lemon Tree before heading out – a place that has some cool statuary for gardens and such – would love to get some giant lions someday but probably won’t ever happen) we got some grocery shopping done. Also all the blinds and artwork ordered before the trip for the remodeled bedroom have arrived, so we’re going to need to put those up. In the meantime finally got to watch the documentary I Love You, Now Die, about the girl who texted her boyfriend to commit suicide and did. Fascinating from a psychological and legal perspective. Was also nicely surprised to see that all the plants around here actually fared really well while we were gone, as the stargazers are ready to pop, the fire lilies are STILL blooming, the balloon flowers are showing, and Sean the Pumpkin is actually growing with huge leaves!

Seen out back of the complex as we’re packing up.

I literally took over 1,000 photos in total from the week. Perhaps I’ll get around to putting more up as the days and weeks go by. But I also have to be getting ready to plan the next vacation in couple weeks! I do need to get some work done beforehand however, bah!

Going on a Truro Adventure

Today we decided to head up the coast to the Upper Cape and take in some sights in the little old town of Truro. First stop was Highland Light, Cape Cod’s first and tallest lighthouse. Due to beach erosion the lighthouse was moved back from it’s original location years ago in a feat of engineering prowess.

Highland Light, 7/18/19

The image of the orderly row of Days’ Cottages has been endlessly recreated in paintings and captured in photographs since they were built in 1931.  They are these little houses all in a row along the beach. I walked around out back and took a shot from that angle because I’d never seen what was back there before.

The Truro “Little Houses” from the rear.
The front view .
Private Beach
Corn Hill
Truro Cliffs
Beach Roses

After travelling all around Truro we headed back to Wellfleet for lunch at Moby Dick’s (grilled salmon burgers!) and then one final trip to the Sparrow.

Coast Guard Beach

Today we entertained our couple friends for most of the day, grabbing lunch in Yarmouth and then hanging out at the complex for a while and hitting the pool. Finishing off our day with them at the Sparrow for some chocolate goodness.

After saying our goodbyes, we decided to travel over to Coast Guard Beach and Nauset Light to catch some sights. These are the areas where there have been shark sightings as seals like to spend time here as well in summer.

Tonight looks to be a little stormy and rainy here tonight so we’re packing in early and just going to chill inside. In all honesty, we are a little beat from all the activities today.

Skaket Beach/ Chatham Time

Hardings Beach, Chatham , MA 7/16/19

So it was nice to just float in the water this afternoon at Skaket Beach. I like this beach because there’s no rocks, and the slope is extremely gradual and calm. You have to get there at high tide though or you’ll be walking for miles to get to some water. After soaking in the water for a while, we took up some sun sitting under our umbrella enjoying the day. I think I may have even fell asleep briefly. We plan on returning there tomorrow, possibly, when our other couple friends come down to hang out for the day.

After coming back and showering, we were hankering for some dinner, so we headed out to another place we visit down here, Pate’s. Then after that we decided to head down to the working fish pier because we’ve had lots of luck there seeing seals just hanging around – just down the road from the Chatham Bars Inn. There appeared to be a mother and her young one frolicking around. I also spotted a snowy egret looking for food, kicking it’s legs in the water trying to stir up things – it caught something too and downed it quickly, whatever it was.

Young grey seal playing, Chatham, MA 7/16/19
Snowy Egret, Chatham Pier, 7/16/19

Then we headed over the Harding’s Beach in Chatham to catch another sunset – even though it was covered by some clouds the sun finally peaked out toward the very end. Finally it was off to Chocolate Sparrow for another hot chocolate with soy milk and chocolate syrup – I can’t get enough of that stuff! Must be the way they froth it or something but it’s delicious. Now it’s time to just chill, maybe watch a little television or read a little, and then get ready for another day tomorrow.

Chatham Pier