Site Software and Other Updates

Bearded Iris makes an appearance.

The site was updated this morning with the latest version of the software that I use. At first I was a little nervous because the update actually failed but when I reran it, it went fine. Although I don’t anticipate any problems as with anything new, you never know. Most of the changes are under the hood so you guys shouldn’t notice anything different. Still, if something looks really whack, I’d appreciate a note letting me know so I can take a look at it.

I got to work on the lawns after my early morning shift, mowing them and, yep, cutting down the buttercups. I wanted to rescue them, but it didn’t look nice in the yard, so they went. I then started edging the various places, including our ‘prairie,’ which sounded like a nice ecological idea at the time, but in actuality just brought around too many bugs, according to LD, so it was cut down. I also cleaned up the patio area, as well as the tables and chairs, because the pollen was everywhere. Yes, I know it’s ‘No Mow May‘ but I decided to not bag the clippings and and it needed to be done. So there. Heb the baby bunny and some robins even came out after to check out the new scenery.

After that was mostly done I finally made it down to the propane business and filled up one of our propane tanks.. That had been on my to-do list for a while so it was good to get that out of the way. Interestingly there was a bit of a line when I got there. I guess people are getting everything ready for Memorial Day weekend. That maintained my physical parts in shape, and as for my brain parts, well, I’ve maddeningly gotten to level 8 in Nyctoban. Is anyone else interested in this? The challenges are what keep me going. The way my brain is lately these days, I need these sorts of stimulants to keep it fresh. At least, I hope it’s keeping it fresh. Sometimes I misplace things I had in my hand literally seconds ago, or can’t remember certain things that I should. Scary to me at times.

As for school shootings, I said after Sandy Hook, that if that didn’t get them to do anything then nothing would. Sadly, I’ve been right again and again. This really needs to stop and be addressed now. It’s a travesty that things like this are still happening in this country.

Biking Through Cambridge

Well, I did it. Yesterday I got myself down to Cambridge and went on the city ride tour of the city, a thing I hadn’t done in a couple of years. We hit all the squares, Inman, Central, Harvard, Lechmere etc. as well as Alewife (even rode right by my old office) and what strikes you is how many massive new apartment/condo complexes are all over the place. This particular ride more or less goes from one end of the city to the other and back again. Anyways, after it all I was feeling it a little bit, having been so rusty, more so just between my shoulder blades from hunching over. I think I must have fell asleep after grilling last night probably around 9. I was concerned heading out to the ride about the heat but we pretty much lucked out as it was a bit overcast and the sun didn’t really start coming out until the ride was nearly done, so score on that point. I was prepared anyway. There we some ride organizers taking pictures but I don’t know if I’m in any of them. If I find any I’ll be sure to post it up. I’d say there might have been about 100 of us or so. I’m sure it was quite a sight to all the people walking around watching us cruise through the streets at a nice leisurely pace.

Replacing the battery in my key fob was a success! Why go to the dealer or someplace where they’ll charge whatever when you can just do it yourself for a couple of bucks?

The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is real.

Happy Friday Everyone. Today was a pretty good day. After my morning shift, we decided to head into downtown Boston because LD had one final loose end to attend to in town. It was a fairly quick visit. Since we were down there afterwards we decided to have lunch over at Revere Beach. It was actually a little bit chilly there, so much so that I had to borrow one of LD’s sweatshirts to keep me from actually shivering. We both got some roast beef sandwiches from Kelly’s on the beach and ate it in the pavilion across the street, always being watchfully eyes by the various seagulls patrolling the area. After that, it was back to the ranch because I had to get ready for my next shift. Naturally after we left the sun came out and it got warm but that’s the way it goes sometimes. It was still a fun outing.

Today’s main photo is from a robin’s nest that I was privileged to get close enough to watch the birds being born. I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I do.

I decided to transplant and pot some of the stray spearmint that was poking its head out in the late afternoon. My mother had asked for some, so I’ll give her one of the transplants tomorrow morning. I also attempted to weed whack some of the thick grasses that had sprung along the fence in the ‘prairie area.’ Sounds like a nice idea for the environment, but the problem is that LD believes it attracts bugs, and they prefer to bite her because she is so sweet.

I’m going to grill some turkey cheddar burgers with a zesty homemade horseradish dressing on the side for dinner. I figured I’d best cook it now because tomorrow is supposed to be a no-cook day due to the extreme heat and humidity. Excellent for tomorrow’s 14-mile cycling trip! On another note, they are not all success stories in the kitchen. The other night, I burnt a nonstick cephalon pan. The dinner turned ok, but the Japanese BBQ sauce I used stuck to the pan I got a while ago and I can’t get it off no matter what I try, so I’ll have to go get another one. Total bummer but I suppose that is how one learns the adventures of home cooking.

The Day After the Party

I had a great time at the dinner last night. I did not expect to be there for as long as I did. It’s cool to be part of a team where all the team members do generally care about you and eachother. If you know where to look on social media sites like FB and Twitter you might even see a group picture of all of us that was taken! I’ll leave that up as an exercise for you readers to discover. Was I afraid of catching Covid in such a setting, haven’t been going to such a thing in over two years? Well, truth be told I did a little bit, but I weighed the risks and who would be attending and the venue and I decided to go, figuring the risk would be pretty small, but not zero. Knowing me the way that I do, and who was going to be there leads me to think I’ll be alright.

Carson’s water fountain crapped the bed the other night, so we had to run out and get a new one for the boy. He really does seem to like the ones where the water trickles out of a spout. We ended up going with the Catit and he seems to like it. It’s cute, looks like a cat, and has some pretty neat features. I’m linking to it here in case I ever have to remember where to get the filters it requires and any updates. The IoT version looked cool but I considered that overkill and too much money. We went with the basic one.

Speaking of updates, I’ve noticed the key fob to my car’s alarm is acting a little weird. I think the battery is starting to die out. Luckily replacing it is just a matter of popping it open and putting in a new one. I’ve already gone ahead and ordered a battery and that should be arriving in a couple of days. It’s basically like a watch battery, only slightly larger – pretty common size by the looks of it. Probably could have just got one at CVS or Home Depot but I was lazy and ordered it on Amazon.

Things Working Out in a Roundabout Way

I had to head over to Earth-1 for part of the day today to get some things done that I needed to do. One was taking my mom to the dentist. She had a ride set up earlier in the week but I said I’d drive her so she cancelled the ride. The ride needs to know three days in advance your plans. Anyways we had thought the appointment was 11 but it was actually at 9:30. Long story short, I took her around 10:15 figuring they’d take her early since she was getting something really minor done. While we were in the waiting room my sister called my mom saying she locked herself out of the house, so while my mom waited we decided I should just pop over there and let my sister in, which I did. When I got back to the dentist (it’s not far from the house btw, in the Winter Hill neighborhood) my mom was waiting out front. I had wondered if she got done early. She said no. Apparently the dentist had to do a bunch of crowns today and they figured waiting all the time would be a waste of time, so she made a re-appointment for next Tuesday, since I will be around there on that day. So, for my sister it was advantageous that I just happened to be around but no so much so for my mom but that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometime. However, on a bit of bright news, I made my final car payment today! I have finished paying off the financing. Wow, where did the time go, seems like it flew by. I will say it’ll be sweet not to have to pay that every month anymore.

During the afternoon I saw on a local Earth-2 group that someone a block away from where I’m stationed during the day was getting rid of an end table and put it out on the sidewalk. Just so happens my mom was looking for a free or cheap end/coffee table for her back porch. When I went over to the street I was pleased to see that it was still there. so I popped it into the back of my truck and will deliver it on Saturday. Speaking of Saturday I have decided to do the bike ride. I briefly checked out the bike that I want to use, since I have two. I decided that the mountain bike would be too heavy so I’m going to go with the light cruiser. I’ll need to arrive early enough to give the tires one final fill-up and to get myself over to Harvard Square in time for the ride, so I’ll need to get up early. And remind myself to keep well hydrated since the forecast looks to be hot and sunny with temperatures approaching 92 Fahrenheit!

Speaking of work, the whole team is having our annual dinner tonight. They haven’t had it for the last two years due to the pandemic but we’re having it now. Some of the retirees are getting their plaques and props tonight as well, so that’ll be cool to see. My predecessor is going to be there whom I’ve yet to meet and I’m looking forward to saying hello.

My Current Sports Superstition

That was a great Game 7 Celtic game to watch as they came alive in the 2nd quarter to defeat the Bucks. Truth be told I was avid watcher of Celtics game for years and have been to many games in the past but since the pandemic I pretty much stopped watching them. However, when I saw they were starting to make headways this season I got reinterested. I hadn’t been wanting to watch them in the playoff series’ because it seemed every time I’d watch them they would lose, but I’m glad I watched this afternoon and broke that superstition. I have believed that if they could beat the Bucks they have a real shot of going all the way. Been a while since I’ve been to a Celtic parade, not since 2008! It would be nice to do that again, but we’ll see with fingers crossed!

Love These Comfortable Friday Afternoons

Getting comfy for a weekend rest
Dixie says hello!

Happy Friday everyone! Even though the calendar says Friday the 13th, no bad stuff befalling any one of us today. In fact, we got a chance to spend part of the morning over at the sanctuary and got to see two new goat babies that they recently obtained. Named Dixie and Dickens they are both bonded brothers and look quite cute and curious. Their keepers are slowly acclimating them to the other animals and everything seems to be going well. A high point of this little trip was LD actually got to feed grapes from her hand to a turkey and to the giant tortoise named George. She said it was like touching a prehistoric dinosaur, the way their scales are and such! Anyways after such excitement, we really need to wind down a little bit. I had a pretty busy afternoon, and apparently so did Carson as evidenced by today’s picture post. That boy is just the cutest, isn’t he? You know the answer is yes.

If it’s the right chair, it doesn’t take too long to get comfortable in it.

Robert De Niro

I finally got around to updating the iPad to version 15. Took me long enough to get to that, huh? Also, I think I’m going to order a large pizza for myself tonight and just pig out.

Truth is Stranger than Fiction, My Friends

May flowers
One of the great specimens we obtained from the local garden club last weekend.

Watched this crazy documentary on Netflix the other night about a story of a family that was involved with a man who kidnapped their daughter. Twice. The real nutty part was that the dude was having sex with the mother and the father, but neither knew about it, all in a ploy to get to the daughter. The last L&O:SVU episode took a part of that story and incorporated into the episode a bit. Needless to say, if you ask me, the parents weren’t too swift to allow all that to happen the way it did. The documentary incase you’re interested is called Abducted in Plain Sight, and let me tell you, it’s a doozy. Just another reason why I much prefer factual things over fiction, since I find most of the times, the factual stuff is even crazier than anyone could dream up. And speaking of factual readings, that book about the women who ran the “Jane” service that I’m just about ready to finish is fascinating. And to think that parts of the country might have to go back to all of that? That’s insane. I heartily recommend the book.

Caught the end of the Celtics Bucks Game 5 last night. God, that was painful to watch in the last seconds.

I think I’m going to participate in the Annual Spring Bike Ride in Cambridge. I haven’t done it in a couple of years so maybe that’ll be a fun thing to do on a Saturday morning upcoming, although I’m probably pretty rusty and really haven’t ridden the bikes in quite a while. We also booked my second covid booster shot for a couple weeks out.

In the late afternoon I finished mowing the front and back lawns, which if you’ve ever been here know that that’s quite a bit. I wanted to get it done though before the real hot weather starts hitting our way tomorrow. As I do every year I dodged the random buttercups that grow in the middle of the back lawn. I don’t care if they’re considered a weed, I like them. Once they’re done blooming I’ll go over them but for now they stay and as a plus provide some nutrients for some local bees and other critters, so it’s ecologically sound. I also transplanted some of the lavender seedings into pots that LD had previously prepared. I still need to do some edging but I’ll try to get to that tomorrow sometime.

It’s Like Pulling Teeth Sometimes

It’s me again!

What do you call a bee that can’t make up it’s mind? A maybe! Sorry, couldn’t resist. As for today’s news, since I’ve been MIA for a while, I had to return to Earth-1 today to take my mother’s other cat, Laurel, to the vet for his monthly exam. There was some good news and some bad news in the end. The good news is that his exam went smoothly, and he received his requisite injections, just like his brother Hardy did a few weeks ago. The not so good news is 1) he’s overweight, but we kind of knew that since he weights almost 20 pounds and 2) he’ll eventually need 10 teeth extracted, which sounds a little crazy to me. But they said we could wait up to a year, which also sounds a little weird to me, but I guess it hasn’t progressed too badly yet. Anyways, bottom line is he’s going to have to wait a while for that. Doesn’t seem like an absolute necessity at this time, but we’ll watch it. He’ll also be on a little bit of a diet but you know how that goes.

We finally got around the mulching and replanting some of the plants LD got over the last few days, along with the ones that were outgrowing the hydroponic garden. Now that those are out of there and outside we can start growing some new hydroponics. The area is shaping up beautifully in my opinion. To think that I got LD interested in gardening in the first place, but now I see that I’ve created something of a monster! Nah, just kidding.

Gametime: Nyctoban -You’re know it with me and these Sokoban-style puzzlescript games! This one is particularly intriguing since the crates you move about cast light in regions where your movement is restricted. I thought that was pretty neat. Stuck on level two thus far.

Plant Day

We started out the morning getting some plants from the get together the town garden club puts on once a year. Got some really good specimens this time too, including a gorgeous hanging pot of flowers and vines in the same pot, really spectacular looking. I’ll definitely need to take a picture of it once it’s set up. Just a bit too windy right now. While at the shindig we got to see some of the members that we know, so that was cool, but it was windy and cold as heck. Not May like weather at all, although it’ll be in the 80s by Friday. In fact, it was so windy today that the outdoor heater tipped over and bent the top reflector panel a little bit, which bummed me out a little because I pride myself on keeping those things like new. I have since secured it better so the wind won’t do that again. I believe I can bend it back into shape, it’s just a small bend.

Then we headed to the office to get some mail. While there I hit a local little library and got a new book to read, pertinent to what’s been going on in the news these days, as a coincidence. The Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service will be my next read. I can remember an old Cold Case tv show episode that delved into this a bit. Then we visited Volante again for some more “special” phlox that has some really cool patterns that we’d never seen before and are using to enhance the landscape around the driveway. Finally we went to Home Depot for some mulch but they were out of the kind that we wanted, so we’ll have to wait a little for that. Maybe go to Lowes and see if they have any of it later on. We also need to start trans planting the flowers currently growing in the hydroponic garden as they’re starting to get too large for it and I want to start a new batch of plants there. Might also be time for the lavender seedlings on the windowsill to get transplanted as well.

Frisky Feline Fridays

Bring us back to this scene, please. I did obtain the Tut tickets, and we’ll be attending in the middle of July, so I’m looking forward to that. I sowed some leftover cosmos seeds in one of the patio pots. Hopefully, they will sprout soon.

The next-door neighbors should not have a cat. When we woke up this morning and looked out the window, we discovered that they essentially leash it to some clothesline setup they have out back so it can walk around outside, but only so long as it stays inside the bounds of the clothesline, do you know what I mean? Anyway, one issue with this setup, which I believe has many, is that when another neighborhood outside cat swings by, things could turn ugly. Kiki, a local cat, came over, and the little leashed cat was not in a pleasant mood, as cats are. Cats are strange creatures, being so territorial and all.

Anyways I think Kiki was more curious that anything. They essentially just stared eachother down, their faces almost touching. There was definitely some tension brewing there. The “owners” of the leashed cat eventually came out and asked whether it was our animal. I went outside to see if I could scare Kiki away, but I couldn’t since there was a fence in the way. Anyway, I informed them that our cat remains indoors, and that the orange cat was named Kiki, and that he resides at a house to the south. Incidentally, we mentioned to them before that our cat stays inside when they asked us if we were missing a cat because one had been living in their basement, for about a month! Uhmmm,, what???! A story for another day, these people are a little whacked. Anyways, the neighbor lady claimed that one of their cats (Kiki’s owners) was killed by a coyote. Even more incentive to keep your cat inside! I see Kiki outside all the time since he’s a tough cookie. He appears to be older than I believe he is. His face reminds me of an old soul, but he’s not a mean or feral cat. He just likes to be outside, shaking his butt on bushes and marking that he’d been there. All of this is to say, and I’ll reiterate, these people should not have a cat. Or any pet for that matter. There was also another story with a dog that they had but I’ll save that for another time.

In the early evening, more commotion over at the same neighbors. Guess one of their daughters was going to her senior prom tonight as she came out in a gown and got picked up by a boy in a tux! They had some family there to taking some pictures. We watched.

And thanks for featuring my photo for today!

May the (Water) Fourth Be With Us

Raindrops on window pane.
This kind of a day.

Yesterday I had to head over to Earth-1 for a few things including a haircut this morning but when I came back the water main guys were knocking on doors in the neighborhood in order to get into the houses to hook up the connections to the temporary water supply. After some fumbling about they finally got it hooked up but they needed to come back today because for some reason the water pressure to the kitchen sink on cold just isn’t working right, although the hot does, as well as every other sink in the house. Strange.

They came back this morning and after a bunch of finagling they finally got it working, although they did leave a little bit of a mess which I was not really appreciative of, but it looks all good now. It’s sort of fascinating how they hook up the temporary water. I guess for most places they hook it up to an outdoor spigot (essentially where we put the hose) and they reverse the water course so it comes in the the spigot. They tried that here but for whatever reason they couldn’t (front and back they tried) so they had to snake a hose through a basement window and connect directly to the pipe in the cellar.

Currently watching: Pieces of Her on Netflix. Only one episode in so far but man, is it kinda creepy and some really disturbing parts. Viewer beware. Also, the Depp vs. Heard trial, bits and pieces here and there when I have time, on my phone.

Quiet Contemplation

Quiet contemplation.

Today was a quiet Monday. I worked my shifts and then hung out with my buddy Mike, who came over for lunch. The day was relatively quiet as it drizzled rain on and off today. Luckily the rain held off while we were outside, although it was a little bit cool. For today’s photographic content I decided on a shot I took back in the winter off the coast of Kennebunkport up in Maine. As night fell, it was a chilly sunset, but the colors were stunning.

First Day of May

Love (not a recent picture though).

May. more than any other month of the year, wants us to feel most alive.

Fennel hudson

Another somewhat productive day I’d say. I finally took to task of getting the storm door glass panes out and putting in the screens for summer. My fingertips are hurting because these particular panes are somewhat difficult to get in out and there’s no real room to get your fingers underneath the mechanism in order to remove them. But with some brute strength and some sore fingertips I was finally able to get them out and get the screens in. Needless to say, Carson would appear to be quite pleased with this latest development as now he can see and smell the air to his heart’s content. And that’s really why I did anyway in the first place.

In between getting the two screens out I also mowed the lawn in front of the house as it was starting to look like it really needed it. This also marks the first mow of the season for me. After that I went ahead and manually pulled out all the dandelions that I could see. It’s a never ending battle but it’s done for now, until they rear their little yellow heads again, of which I am sure they will.

In the afternoon we took a quick jaunt over to Volante farms and got a few more plants. I still need to buy some hanging plants for our various hanger setups but it’s still just a tad too early. I assume by next weekend they’ll be good to go and be outside without danger of being too cold in the evenings. We spent a bunch of time landscaping another area, removing a bunch of ground ivy and putting in hostas, a really cool looking two-toned phlox that I’d never seen before, some other red flowering things, and then mulched it all. It looks five thousand times better if you ask me. LD’s had some great ideas this spring and they are really starting to show. We also redid part of the rock garden in the back, which is surrounded by the blue Adirondack chairs because I moved them from the patio to there. Gardening is not easy work, no one ever really tells you that part. Our backs are sore, my knee is what it is, my neck is crinkly. What the heck is happening to us?

I spent some time playing around with some different logos for the site. Not sure if I’ll ever use any of them but it helped pass some time. What do you think of any of these choices? I think I’m becoming partial to the second one, but like I said, might not use any of them.

A possible logo I’ve been playing around with.
A better option? Personal favorite so far.
A bold choice?

Love Me Some Sparkle for a Saturday

Sparkle the goat getting a neck rub from yours truly.

I noticed that I have to keep tightening my belt lately so I thought maybe I had lost a bunch of weight, but when I weigh myself it more or less says what it always had the last year or so, in the 160s. At my heaviest I was in the 180s but I generally average in the 160s apparently. I also got sucked into watching some This Old House reruns this morning, trying to learn some things and possibly get some ideas.

I feel you buddy.

Took a ride to the Sanctuary to drop off some lettuce and carrots as they were requesting some and we had ample supplies. So we did that and hung out there for about an hour. Then it was off to Home Depot for some plants and mulch. And then finally off to help console a couple of our friends who just recently lost their pet dog. We ate Montellio’s on their back deck in the sun as we talked and grieved the loss. Never an easy thing. After that we pretty much just came home and crashed. Ended up watching a Dateline that I had DVR’d but had to keep rewinding it to watch the ending like 3 times because I kept falling asleep! Was a pretty busy day I guess.

Cool Dewd

Anyone who knows me well enough would know that I am always trying out new and artsy type things. Here’s a computerized drawing of myself that I had been playing around with. Reminds me of a baseball card so here’s mine. Collect them all! And yes, I am wearing a hoodie that says Claw & Order: Boston Lobster Unit.

Today was sort of a busy day as after shift I had to take a drive over to Earth-1 because one of my mom’s cats was due for his yearly exam and shots and things of that nature. I’m glad to say that everything checked out fine. Strangely cool and windy today but it would appear that today is the last day of that crap and the weekend looks to be pretty good. I have a bunch of things planned that I want to get done over the weekend so we’ll see if I can push myself to do them all.

The driver’s side window on my mom’s 2003 Toyota Camry LE won’t go down anymore. It appears to probably need a new regulator and possibly the motor to go with that but she’s been having a hell of a time tracking one down, probably because the car is pretty old by this point. We’ve tried all the usual routes but if anybody has any ideas, let me know. It would only be a problem in the summer because it would get sweltering in there, but she doesn’t drive all that much anyway. And she can still roll down the other windows. Just don’t get pulled over because the window doesn’t go down, would have to open the door!

Plants are my Soil Mates

Sunset Thursday

It was windy as heck today which made the morning seem downright chilly!

Tickets for the King Tut Immersive Experience just went on pre-sale, so of course I had to get some. I’m just trying to coordinate with a few other people who want to go to – we can all go together, just need to get the dates nailed down. It’s going to be over at the SoWa power station in Boston, a place I had only been to once years ago, an up and coming hip area.

The seedlings that are in the seed tray on the windowsill have all started sprouting for the most part so I’m leaving the top cover off now that some of the stalks are getting high enough to touch it.

Spring Brings Blossoms and Grill Marks Make Me Smile

Spring blooms in Boston

While I was working out in the gardens today I couldn’t help but notice that the lilac trees were starting to bud and bloom, so naturally I had to whip out my camera because that’s what we photographers do, and the result is the picture you see above. Check out the little fuzz on the buds.

Started out the morning after shift by heading to HQ for a team meeting. We’re having a team dinner in a couple of weeks at a function hall in town so that’s something to look forward to. Anyways, the meeting has basically just hashing out some details of things that are coming up, most of which I had already knew. It had been a while since we had a meeting though, so it was kind of cool to see everybody.

As our first grilling session of the season, I fired up the grill late this afternoon and fired up some strip steaks. Normally, I like to conduct a deep clean before starting the season, but I skipped that for now. Because the propane tank in the grill was nearly empty, I replaced it for the one in the outdoor heater. On Wednesday, when I replace the door screens, I’ll probably go get that one refilled again. That’s my current plan anyway.

I might do this overlapping column thing on LD’s website later this weekend. I need to study to code and then implement it. I think it might look cool but we’ll see. I also need to add some more graphics for more visual appeal.

Building a Cinderblock Garden One Step at a Time

Today we spent some time beginning to construct the cinder block garden. Actually, LD performed the majority of the labor and design, and I think it turned out beautifully! She had an appointment for a second booster this morning, so we did that before moving all the blocks about, filling with rocks and dirt, and planting the Vinca and Phlox. Then, to finish off the look, mulching and planting in a few other spots. It’s coming along beautifully, in my opinion. I believe it will all fill in nicely as these plants establish themselves and begin to flourish. That’s certainly the hope!

In the early evening we watched a TED talk hosted by Brené Brown about vulnerability which we thought was pretty good on Netflix. And then some thing about Roseanne on Reelz. We did these things while eating dinner.

Our muscles have been hurting a little bit these days. Naturally LD’s arm is a bit sore but that’s to be expected. In my latest news, I must have slept wrong last night as my shoulder and neck are killing me. Heating pad times again for this aging blogger.

Of Alpacas and Local Artisan Popups

Started out the day by checking out a local artisan popup grouping of shops over at the Norwood Space Center. Found some pretty cool items there. Then it was off to Carver to see another popup but this one was being hosted by an alpaca farm in the area, so we got some more things and got to hang with some alpacas – the stars of the show, as it were! I got lunch off of some food truck that was there. On the way back we went to Home Depot to pick up some cinder blocks. We’re planning on designing a corner cinderblock garden up along the fence, or latest project. Something along the lines of this image. We have most of the flowers and stones, it’s now just a process of deciding how we want to stack it and how we want it to look. I imagine we’ll be working on this over the next few days. Also got some mulch for the patio area to help spruce it up a little bit more.

I was going to replace the glass panes in the doors with the screens but I heard tomorrow is actually going to be a bit on the chilly side so I decided to postpone that a couple of days. Carson likes to have the doors open so he can look outside at all the various things but he also likes the smells. He’ll be able to enjoy that better once I have the screens in for the season.

For dinner, even though I’m beat, I cooked up some rosemary infused pork tenderloin with sides of mashed potatoes and broccoli. Anyways I may hit the rack a bit early tonight.

Gametime: Rock Forest – a not too hard cute game that I found.

Happy Earth Day 2022

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

What better way to celebrate Earth Day than than spending it outside? Because the weather was so wonderful today, we were able to finish off some spring cleaning activities as we prepare for the season’s approaching events. The most important task was to clean the patio, and we were learning as we went. It came out looking really well, in my opinion. I also retrieved the grill from storage, moved a few items, and cleaned the table and chairs. LD went out and bought some more phlox for an area near the fences. The idea was that it would eventually provide a lovely cover, similar to what it had done over the front of the house. The tulips, as well as a bunch of hyacinths, which you can see in the shot, are starting to bloom now, and there are also some small grape hyacinths springing up all over.

Cleaning My Ride is in Full Effect

Some daffodils bloom underneath flowering trees
Some daffodils bloom underneath flowering trees

Well, I headed over the Earth-1 this morning in preparation for bringing the cat to the vet but when I got there I found out that the doctor had to cancel due to some other emergency so we had to reschedule it to the end of next week. So instead I decided to get my car washed and then used the vacuum at the place to clean out the inside. To say it was a little overdo for both would be an understatement. It’s looking all pristine now! While I was in the area I also hit up the local merchant to get a Mother’s Day card and some writing pens with a 1.4mm tip. On thing you might not know about me is that I like pens that write really thick.

Spring Tasks, Glass Like Effect and Ankle Twisting

This is a photo I took a little while back inside the Boston Public Gardens during springtime. I’m also learning some CSS code in order to make this text look with a frosted glass-like effect of a background. What do you think?

We awoke to the city preparing to install temporary water plumbing in front of all of the houses so that they could work on repairing the water main around the corner. It’s very aggravating. Pipes on the roadway abound, and you have to drive over them to get into the driveways; granted, there are rubber ramps on either side of the pipe, but it’s still inconvenient. I had to go to Whole Foods in Dedham for a pickup, so I’ve already driven over it a few times.

I was able to get the dolly from Earth-1 and use it to move a filing cabinet into the basement. I’ll return the dolly when I head back there tomorrow as I have to assist in getting my mom’s cat to the vet over there. Yearly exam, shots and all.

Later we planted some canna lilies that we got from a friend and planted them in honor of today being 4/20. Get it? Canna? Unfortunely while I was putting some soil in the shed and had started to clean off the patio for a deep clean we’re doing on Friday I fell and twisted my ankle. Hopefully it’s nothing major. Of course it’s on the leg where I have the foot and knee problems. Oy! I think I got lucky with this one though. So while I was resting my ankle I decided to try to learn and play around with some CSS for the site. I spent about a half hour playing around with trying to make a frosted glass-like effect behind text on my photos. Might still need to play around with it but I have the gist of it created. What do you think? Is it cool? It’s not part of the picture, it’s literally text that hovers above it, which I can change easily.

I also spent about an hour before lunch catching some of the Johnny Depp trial live. I find it somewhat fascinating to watch for some reason, I’m not a particular fan of JD but it sounds like it was pretty crazy town.

Marathon Monday Means Goat Baby


Today’s the running of the Boston Marathon but I decided to use the day to get a bunch of work done. Work on LD’s website is just about completed, I got the menus to work and just need to add some graphics. Might spruce it up more or change the layout a bit later but as of now the site is live and working. Today was also the day the electrician decided to show up and put in the new dedicated line for the sump pump, While he was wiring that up I put together a desk that LD had bought for herself and replaced the “bunny nursey” pot back into it’s place on the back deck, just in case some bunny decides to use it again.

Then in the afternoon we went to the beach for a walk and then even later on, we got to hang with a baby goat who is literally one day old! His name is Cameron and he is the cutest little boy!

Meeting one day old Cameron!

Yes, Cameron was born on Easter, and that white goat which you can see in the left hand bottom corner of this photo is Mira, his mother, which is short for Miracle because when she was a baby she almost didn’t make it. She’s turned out to be an amazing mother to her baby – it was fascinating to watch.