I woke up this morning and discovered this little guy causing a little ruckus up on the deck where it doesn’t belong. Don’t worry – I only photographed him and then he scurried out of their on his own. He did appear to take down one of the Borages we had planted in there though. After that I decided to watch a movie I had recorded last night titled Alita: Battle Angel. This effects were good but the story didn’t make that much sense. They all seem to want to get to this city in the sky but they never explain why. I guess it’s based on a manga which probably has more story and it’s set up for sequels but they’ll probably never get made. Kinda cool how they made her eyes like all anime.
Went down to Home Depot in the afternoon to get some more dirt, firewood, and some pots. The dirt was for another raised bed where we plan to transplant the squash and pumpkin seedlings which are starting to outgrow their little containers.
Tonight’s movie watch was the 1st two episodes of Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story. It’s actually pretty good.