Had a great relaxing Sunday. Went down to the Fairhaven beach house again and swam in the bay at low tide this time. I find it so much better, you avoid all the rocks at the shoreline and once past that it’s smooth sailing all the way out with a perfect slow incline and you can go out quite a ways before you’re up to your neck – similar to Skaket but not as flat as that. Plus there were some waves which was awesome. Not enough yo bowl you over or anything, but felt just right to me. The best part though is that no one else is there so it’s like you have to whole ocean to yourself. Truly magical and feel so blessed and lucky to have the opportunity be able to experience it. Beautiful this time of year with all the hibiscus plants everywhere in full bloom also. Our friend has done a really spectacular job with her property and deserves full props.
Afterwards we went to the Adirondack chair place and ended up getting two cute teal ones that they just happened to be on sale and wanted to get rid of. We left them at the beach house since they wouldn’t fit in the car as it currently is so we’ll have to go back to pick them up, which is perfect, because that means we’ll get to go down there again! Hehehe!
We had a couple of Little Libraries while in the area. I didn’t fins anything good but I was able to unload just about all the remainder of the books we wanted to get rid of. We left a couple of locations still on the list for next time to check out.
Coming home we were wiped out, after swimming and being in the sun all day (it was only supposed to be a morning stay, but as usual, time flew and didn’t leave until late afternoon/early evening). I cooked up some Juicy Lucy Cheddar burgers for LD and I as she was too tired so I took the lead on this one. I daresay I did pretty good on this one! To finish out the night I watched two new episodes of Autopsy.
I think tonight I’m going to have to bring some stuff in from the back deck for safekeeping. We have a storm coming our way and I don’t want anything that could fly away, flying away in the winds. Oh, and I lied about making those cocktails, the last two days I was going to but ended up just being too tired, shooting for tonight though!