Back to It

Back on the Cape now, lunch in Sandwich by the canal, taking sunset photos at Harding’s Beach in Chatham (there was also some kind of modeling shoot going on there with two photogs in a woman in a bikini taking shots in the water, maybe for swimwear modelling?) and take out pizza tonight from a place called The Talkative Pig since we were near the location of that establishment.

This morning we walked the Kenrick Woods for a little bit.

Three Hikes in One

This morning we hiked around Mill’s Pond, saw a seal there. Then over to Fort Hill and hiked that, noticed a lot of different birds and butterflies which was cool – I also hiked the Red Maple Swamp (and I may do that again) which comes out of the woods in front of Capt. Penniman’s House.

Looks like they did the place over. Unfortunately the whale bones to the entrance have been removed, but I photographed them in 2014.

Waders Next Time

Paine’s Creek, Brewster, MA

Time to give an update since the last entry. After the hike over at Kent’s Point we hit a couple of little libraries in the area but I still came up empty on any good books that I might want to read. Will keep trying though – usually get some good stuff down here. Hit the Hole-In-One for lunch and chocolate glazed donuts.

Later in the afternoon we went down to the pool and cooled off a bit with a little dip. During this time we learned back at home that the baby bunnies (of which there appear to be two) are hopping around on the back deck and hiding under pots! I hope we’ll get a chance to see them before they take off but if not, I hope they lead a safe and productive life. Figures they would pick this week to decide to get out of their mother’s home and explore!

We decided to head down to Paine’s Creek for tonight’s sunset shots. It’s actually one of my favorite places to shoot down here – I’ve gotten lots of great shots from here over the years and every sunset is completely different. All the times I’ve been here though I had never been when it was low tide (go figure). So I was able to get some interesting shots further out into the bay than I normally do. So I walked out there quite a ways to get some shots, including the one above, which I think came out okay. I should have paid a little more attention to my surroundings however because when I turned to head back, some of the water had come in and I needed to wade through the water to get back to the parking lot, so my sneakers and pant legs were soaked and caked in some mud. Hopefully those will dry out by tomorrow. Finished with a quick takeout dinner of fish tacos from a place called Guapo’s.

Every day so far down here we’ve been able to fill up pretty well, considering in the weird times we’re currently living through. Tomorrow morning I think we’re going to try to hike over at a place called Mill’s Pond.

Kent’s Point

Rock at the entrance to the trail.

Did an early hike this morning over to a place called Kent’s Point. This land contains more than a mile of undeveloped shoreline, and fronts on Lonnie’s Pond, Little Pleasant Bay and Frost Fish Creek. The main trail to the former Kent house site goes up the center of the property leading to a handicapped-accessible boardwalk overlooking The River and the northern portion of Pleasant Bay. We did it early before it got too hot out.


Decided to check out Thumpertown in Eastham tonight. And that’s the shot you see here now as sunset was approaching. It’s a pretty good place to see sunsets. On the way back we grabbed some grub at Arnold’s just before they closed for the night. So day 1 so far was pretty loaded. I hit the grocery store in the AM, we hiked the Eddy Trail to the highest bluff in Brewster, searched a couple of little libraries (nothing good found as of yet – will keep looking at some more throughout the week), LD hit the pool for a little, tried to catch some sunset and dinner from Arnold’s. All in all, not too shabby.

Eddy Trail

Reaching the end of the Eddy Bay Trail

We made it to the end of the trail overlooking the bluffs into Cape Cod Bay! This is actually a very nice trail. As for a little history of it here goes. The trail is located on the site of the “planting fields” of the Saquatucket Sachemship and later divisions of farms for the colonists in the 1600’s. The area later served as pasture and tillage for some of Brewster’s leading farming families through the 1800’s. From Lower Road, the path leads past 1870’s barn and house foundations, through a grove of large holly trees, and then pine and oak woodland. The path ends at the highest bluff in Brewster overlooking Cape Cod Bay, which is where this shot was taken! It was currently high tide so the water looks close but I might return at low tide so as to see the miles of tidal flats that appear.

Cape Cod Life

Seals off the coast of Chatham, now available for purchase!

I’ve been getting some love on my seal pictures on the Cape Cod Photography page from folks so I decided to put one up for purchase. Nice thing I like about this particular shot is the little baby in the background center. I’d like to get out to this spot again someday. On this particular day I shot this, all the planets aligned and the seals all wanted to rest and came up on this spit that was exposed from being underwater. The weather this particular day was cloudy with a chance of rain and a little windy. Maybe that’s a good time to go see them?

I am currently on the Cape now. It’s definitely different than other times though – wearing the mask, being socially distant. it’s just so weird. More later…

Wait for the Right Moment

Rock Harbor, Chatham, MA

Don’t be the sand in my shoe, when you can be the love in my heart.

The story behind the photo: Another sunset night at Rock Harbor, probably one of my favorite places on the Cape. This particular moment was low tide and as you can see, it’s pretty flat out there, you’ll be walking out there for quite a ways before you’ll get to some deeper water. You can see some interesting colored sunsets there depending on the weather conditions. On this particular evening, there was a somewhat purple tint and not a cloud in the sky.

More later…

Return of the Ospreys

osprey nest
osprey nest

The story behind the photo: I really like this one. Reminds me I need to get back into birding more. Anyways, we had taken a boat cruise around the harbor in one of the Cape towns last year, I think it might have been in Dennis or somewhere around there. And we just happened to pass by this osprey nest. Thankfully I had the foresight to bring my complement of lenses so I switched to one where I could get a closer shot of them. I actually have a bunch of different shots from this but I felt this was one of the better ones. I remember having to try to brace myself as the boat kept wobbling over the waves. I assume they were waiting for their parent although they looked like they were just about ready to head out on their own. The fact that their eyes are still brown rather than yellow also signifies them as juveniles. I like how the two on the right appear to looking directly at me.

If I was this guy, I’d be a little nervous.

They would also leave the nest every so often, maybe just getting the feel of flight. This guy up above decided to perch right next to this gull, who doesn’t seem that concerned, although I think I might be if I were him. They do prefer to eat fish rather than birds but if it got hungry enough…

Swimming in Buzzards Bay

Thanks to the Guidebook of Cape Cod for featuring one of my photos!

I am one hurting puppy today. Spent the day down in Fairhaven again at the Ladydoc’s friend’s beach house. We swam in the bay – it was somewhat choppy today – the waves actually seemed pretty tall at some points, but it’s so much fun to jump over the waves – plus since it’s a private area nobody else was there – it was pretty amazing. There are rocks there toward the shore though so you have to be careful at high tide. I did scrape my legs a little bit, the front of my left knee, and the back of my right knee, but not really all that bad. Hard to believe we were out there for an hour and a half! After we came in we saw that two guys in a canoe had capsized so everyone got help and called the authorities but they were alright. Really not the place for a canoe. A lot of folks kayak there, which seems a more appropriate vessel, especially for the way the wind was churning up the waves today. Hopefully a lesson was learned. It’s usually pretty calm but I guess the remnants of Fay passing through might have stirred it up a bit more than usual. Then I dried in the sun, and now I feel like a tired potato. Really spent, but feels good in way. Plus it’s much cooler and more bearable there then up here in the heat of the valley where temperatures reached 90 degrees.

We also spent a little time visiting a shop there that sells these Adirondack chairs, really nice ones, made out of composite. Bit on the expensive side, but they last forever. Seems to be in these days with everyone being home now I guess.

Eastham Love

Allow me to be a “Promo Ho” for a sec: I got a lot of love on the Eastham shot on the Cape Cod Photographers group, so I decided to add the high resolution version of it to my shop for purchase if anyone’s interested. Also, jigsaw puzzles of my work will be coming soon, which I think is a really cool idea! Check out this particular product here: Eastham Love! And stay tuned for the jigsaw puzzle versions!

Yesterday I forgot to mention that a transformer blew on the street, so we and the neighbors were all without power for a bit. We all streamed out of our houses asking if we all had the same experience, since everyone is home these days. We even got to talk to the neighbor that never has spoken to us in 3 years! She finally introduced herself to us and as we were talking, maybe she’s not such a bad egg after all.

This morning was spent hanging at the car mechanic’s shop getting an oil change and inspection sticker. Mine was up in May but due to the pandemic we all got a few months extra so I figured I’d get it done now. No sweat. I also noticed this morning that our Balloon Flowers (Platycodon grandiflorus) are starting to bloom now! Yay! Pretty cool how they “balloon” out, hence the name.

I finally beat all 30 levels from Slimoban – the game I mentioned a few days ago – really good game! Oh! We’re going to try out a drive-in tonight, one of those pop-up locations. Should be an experience! I’ll update as to how it went later! Update: The drive-in was fun! Saw E.T. Ahhh, memories. I remember my first drive experience must have been when I was about 10 – the original Freaky Friday was the movie, down at what is now the Meadow Glen in Medford.

Sunset Serendipity

Couple watching the sunset
Couple watching the sunset

“Sunsets are always better shared.”

The story behind the photo: This happened to be one of the last shots I took on the night this was taken at Rock Harbor in Orleans. I actually have a bunch of various scenes from this area on this particular night, but as the sun was setting and it was getting close to be getting time to go, I kept watching this couple in a rowboat go around the bay a couple of times. Finally I saw that they positioned their boat in order to take in some sunset scenery and so I decided to take a picture of that. It was a spectacular night for a sunset too. Complete serendipity as to how this one all turned out!

Throwback Truro Thursday

Highland Light

I’m working on different things that I want to see on the Cape this year, so I’m taking notes on different things. I think this time around, besides the usual sunset and lighthouse shots (see above) and wildlife when I can get it (which is a given), I’m thinking some trails and hikes and maybe around some of the kettle ponds. Since this year has to be different, maybe it’s a good time to discover some new things that I wouldn’t normally see while there. If anyone has any good places of note regarding my search on this – leave me a comment!

More later…

Mother Seal

Mother seal with baby (re-edit).

Went down to Earth-1 today. While I was there there was another downpour, whereby the neighborhood lost power for about an hour and a half, and then the hot water heater pilot went out. But everything’s good now.

I edited my photo of seal mama and baby to give it a different kind of look from the original. Made the greens and blues a little more pronounced.

Positive Vibes

Seals bask off the coast of Chatham, MA.

My mantra for today and moving forward: Letting go of negative thoughts. I highly recommend it. Here’s a shot I took a few years back of some seals lazing on a spit. It’s actually a much larger landscape shot with more seals and details but I cropped it for Instagram. I especially like the little baby in the background. I also have some cuter shots of him in other shots. I will probably make the large version available for purchase soon. Anyways my mantra appears to be paying dividends already as today we were able to set up some things and I put the fire pit (which I cannot wait to start using) together. Still more stuff to get done but it is happening little by little.

No Words Needed

Sunset in Orleans, 2016.

The story behind the photo: Just another hot July night as sunset was approaching in Cape Cod. This part of the bay, when low tide comes in, goes out for what seems like miles. Also I like how the sky seemed to be purple-colored that night. This photograph will be available as a print coming soon!

Flowing with the Wind

Beach grass lines the shoreline during low tide in Cape Cod Bay.

My sun sets to rise again.

Robert Browning

Went to the old office today we return my work laptop and clear out whatever belongings I decided to keep (which actually wasn’t much – just a few odds and ends). It was good to chat with the facilities guy and IT guy – we all three go way back. Hung around for a few hours, before heading back out. Ended up just keeping a few of the best of the best things, which admittedly may sit in the basement forever but some things have sentimental value to me.


First Encounter Beach

The story behind the photo: This one was taken at First Encounter Beach down in Cape Cod as sunset was fast approaching. It was so named because it is the site of the first encounter between Native Americans and the Pilgrims prior to their settling in Plymouth.While camped here Standish and company were surprised by a group of Nausets; arrows flew and shots were fired, but no harm resulted.

Promise of a New Day

Promise of a new day.

“Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knows, against all he knows.”

Emil Cioran

If you’ve ever liked any of the photos I’ve taken and would like them to brighten up the decor in your home or office in various formats I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been working on that option and it’s coming real soon!

Finally decided on a fire pit. Can’t wait to start using it on the patio out back. Tomorrow the grill comes out and I mow the lawn finally!

The Log at Hardings

Chatham, MA

The story behind the photo: This photo was taken at Bradley Beach down in Chatham MA. I touched it up a bit because it was dark but I’m not too sure about how it came out – they sky really did look like that but I’m not sure whats going on with the log in the sand – almost looks like it was drawn in but it wasn’t.

I’m only realizing just now how stupid these daytime game shows really are. More later once I’m done with today’s adventures…