We took a ride out to Franklin, Ma this afternoon to look and admire some more goats, including meeting this cute little one week old named Nugget. They also had a farmer’s market there where we got some goods. I got an alpaca winter hat which is super soft and warm, and LD got some stuff including a homemade wooden bunny made by an artisan who works with wood that you can stick crayons into it’s back – really cool.
Currently reading:We’ve Got You Covered: Rebooting American Health Care
A pic I took a while back that had been sitting on my hard drive, figured I’d post it up because I am missing summer and warm long days right about now. This is from Nauset Beach not too far from the lighthouse. You actually can’t access the location where I took this shot any longer, as I discovered the last time I was in the area, mainly due to the cliff eroding, sadly.
I captured the following photo yesterday afternoon while doing my rounds. Everything was coated with snowy white, which was lovely until later in the day when it began to rain and became slushy and nasty. Then it got chilly and everything iced over, but I was able to grab this great shot in the center of town before all that happened, so I’m happy.
Today I went over to Earth-1; there were several concerns that needed to be addressed, including having the plumber come over and replace a faulty pipe in the basement. These pipes are fairly old, most likely from the early 1940s or before. I mean, the house was built in the mid-1800s, thus nothing in it is standard size, such as door frames. Anyway, they had to cut out a piece of the pipe and install a partial section to solve the problem, so everything is OK again, which pleased my mother, who couldn’t stop worrying.
It was a snowy day in Boston today. I spent quite a bit of that being outside in it all morning making my rounds. But now I am tired, so a shower, a dinner, and chill time is in the cards for me for the rest of the night.
We did a bunch of baking on a snowy cold Sunday afternoon! I dug out these cool aprons that we got quite a while back. Other than that it’s been an uneventful back to the grind kind of week. Nothing earth shattering as of late. Just finishing up the confessions of Gypsy Rose, plowing on through season 4 of Nip/Tuck (by this point the show is going downhill imo, nothing as great as the 1st two seasons which were the pinnacle, although I notice a lot of famous actors now as guest stars appearing on the show). When you binge watch episodes back to back, it’s interesting how you can detect narrative lines that just vanished or didn’t make sense.
I’m actually a terrible baker, don’t let the picture fool you!
So we’re hanging out, chilling, just watching Nip/Tuck episodes when we hear this loud talking outside. At first we thought it might have been the neighbors kids just chatting, as they’ve been known to do in the past. But then it persisted and seemed to be getting louder. When I looked out the door to see what the commotion is about I see this dude stumbling about in the street, in our driveway where our cars are, in the neighbor’s driveway. all the while I seemed to think he’s yelling out “Michael” along with some other words that I couldn’t make out. This dude definitely seemed altered in some way – something wasn’t right.
So he’s going all up and down the street, yelling and yelling and at one point even faced planted in a neighbor’s lawn but then got right back up. The next door neighbor lady was scared as we were too a little bit because you never know what could happen or what a person could be capable of, especially when not thinking clearly. As this was going on for quite a while by this point LD and possibly others finally got the police to come down. I could see them all up at the end of the street for what seemed like a good twenty or so minutes. Eventually an ambulance also came and I assumed took him away and sectioned him.
While this is all going on a strange woman comes walking up the street, looking and finally finding her dog in the vicinity of our driveway. She mentioned that the man was her husband, “Unfortunely” I believe she said, leashed the dog who must have gotten away from the dude, and took off up the street from whence she came.
We assume that the guy was possibly walking the dog and it got loose? Who names their dog Michael, if that even was it’s name? Who is Michael? And if he was walking the dog in this altered state, why? When I first saw the guy I thought he might be plastered out of mind drunk and wanting to fight Michael. I’ve seen enough belligerent drunks in my day to know the behaviors. Anyways, apparently this guy lives right up the street. Hopefully he’ll get the help he needs, but it sure did make for a tense filled evening. So much for winding down. After all that, you’re a bit wired.
Because today was a snowy day, we chose to spend the day baking, lots and lots of cookies. Actually, LD performed the majority of the cooking, and I only assisted a little. I went outside a couple of times to deal with the snow, and I ended up breaking one of the shovels, which I’ll have to replace shortly. I should have known better, but I pushed ahead anyway, and it broke under the weight of the snow.
Yesterday we were supposed to go to the sanctuary with a good friend of ours, but she was feeling a little under the weather so we decided to bag it for now, maybe take it up in another week or two. Probably just as well, as my knees have been killing me lately.
Currently Reading: The Apple II Age: How the Computer Became Personal. For some reason it took forever to get this at the online library, but I’m not sure why as it doesn’t appear to be a particularly long read. And also a book that’s kind of morbid but I’m also finding quite fascinating and a pretty good read, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers.
I don’t know if it’s the weather or just the activities I’ve been involved in this week, probably a combination of both, but both my knees have been killing me a bit. The joys and rigors of aging I suppose. Still, I don’t like it very much. So in the down time of trying to rest them, I ended up playing around with some video and plowing through my current read. I’ve also queued up a bunch of new books so I’m off to a great literary start to the year of book reading, so there’s that..
Going into the New Year with Peace, Love and Hope!
Had my Mom over today for the New Year and we made a brunch for her and us. It was a good time, LD created this amazing Mediterranean Frittata and we had blueberry pie for dessert. Yummy! Then after dropping her off back at Earth-2 we headed out to Revere Beach for our annual tradition of starting the new year at a beach and caught a sunset! Then we came home and made a delicious Scarborough Fair soup! Good day for it! Then it was to relax in for a night of binging old season 2 episodes of Nip/Tuck.
Yesterday I was able to pick up another Dedham pottery item for the collection! This one is a cat and the best part is that the location pickup was literally just a few blocks away and the woman was practically giving it away at a super price, so score!
Currently Reading:My Effin’ Life by Geddy Lee. First book of the year!
Once again I thought it would be fun to list what I felt were the top ten moments of my life from 2023!
As always, it wasn’t easy coming up with this list and truth be told, with the exception of maybe the top two or three, any of these could be in any order. I’m sure I’m missing some things as well here and there, but these are the moments that stood out the most to me from the past year. I probably would have added meeting Jackie the House Duck to this list but you can read my previous post about all that. As usual the images I’ve taken during the year helped me to remember and capture some of the moments. You can click on many of the smaller ones to see a better view. And now without further ado, let’s get right to the list!
We had an opportunity to spend a couple of days out on the Cape and recharge. Although it was partly cloudy for most of the time, the only really sunny day was extremely windy which it made it feel really cold, so I didn’t go crazy getting photos, but I was pleased with I was able to capture of which a small sampling is here on this post.
We had some great food and hot chocolates and spent a bunch of time just hanging out, relaxing and reading. One weird thing about the place we were staying at is that they had their own photos on the walls with you could purchase. Just seemed a little weird to me. Also we could never figure out how to get the automatic candles to light in the fireplace which would have been really cool, but it was a fun place to crash.
I had some interest in some of the cape photos from this trip so I’ve made them available on the store page. Check it out if you like my work. Ironic, don’t you think?
Nauset Beach (available for purchase!)Nauset beachThe “new” Capt. CassSnow on Rock HarborSunset at CrooksNauset winds and wavesOrleans viewSkaket Love
Number 9: Fourth of July party!
This was the day of the BBQ that I had been hoping for since early in the year! The weather was a bit overcast but that’s alright by me, as long as it didn’t pour on us it would be fine. In fact, maybe it would even keep down the heat of the day, although it was pretty muggy out. At least the plants are all loving this kind of weather – they are growing like gangbusters. As the festivities went on though the sun came out and stayed out. It ended up being a successful outing! I was a master at grilling dogs, burgs, salmon, corn, and veggies. Did a quick fire pit, admired the garden and relaxed in the sun and for dessert….I invited my mom and sister over to partake in the festivities. I think they enjoyed themselves.
Here are the treats we made last night for the days BBQ. Aren’t they cute?! LD can be so creative at times, as she comes up with these ideas or finds out about them and we try to implement them. They are little grills with food on them! It’s actually just Little Bites for the grill, some food coloring to get the grill lines and Mike and Ike candies for the meats and vegetables. The legs are lollipop sticks. Let me tell, these were not that easy to make, but they sure were a huge hit and totally worth it!
Number 8: Bristol Rhode Island Birthday Trip!
One this day we took an afternoon trip down to beautiful Bristol RI and I got to have a nice lunch by the water. We saw some herons and egrets too. I ended up getting a Del’s Lemonade Cucumber Spritz with Vodka and a nice Seafood Linguine. I would recommend this place called the Beach House. I found my dish to be super delicious.
The before heading back we took a detour to stop by Like No Udder down in Providence to get some ice cream and slush goodies.
I also got some cool books, and a neat bamboo cutting board that includes different mats for cutting different types of foods on top of it, which will replace the current cutting board I’ve been using for a long time now.
Number 7: Father’s Day Trip
In front of a New England classic
On this day I was jonesin for a little bit of Kelly’s Roast Beef out in Revere Beach, so LD was kind enough to get us there. I also wore my Carson sweatshirt which was a gift from last year but I wear it only on special occasions because it is so special. It’s actually a hoodie, with the face of Carson on the front and the text “Carson’s Dad” all hand stitched from a photo that LD sent to a woman in the Ukraine who made it. Truly a one of a kind! It took a long time to arrive but I’m amazed it came at all seeing as there is a war going on over there! I enjoyed my roast beef sandwich loaded with cheese and sauce, but I did switch hoodies when it came to eat on the beach because I would not want to get the Carson hoodie damaged in any way! It only comes out now on special rare occasions.
Revere Beach LovinBringing a bit of Carson to the beachCarson and his daddyS’more time
Then we had some friends over for an impromptu BBQ and fire pit night. We ended up just getting takeout from a great Greek food place in town and then did the S’mores thing. It was supposed to happen on Saturday but the weather looked to be crappy so it all got moved up to Friday night and it was wonderful. We did need all of Saturday to basically recuperate from it all though. Being social can take a lot out of a person!
Number 6: Going on a Hayride with Goats!
It may look like I’m walking a goat, but Ralphie here was actually walking me!
Going on a hayride with baby goats? And then walking them after? Hell, yes! Thankful that all the rain we were supposed to have pretty much held out for most of the day up in Georgetown, Massachusetts! Good memories were made this day my friends! You can click on any photo below for a bigger look.
Giving Snowball a tratWalking Ralphie and SnowballRalphie walking meRalphieSelfie Booth!
Number 5: A Visit to the Catskills!
Oh look, another entry with goats. Seems to be a theme! Back from a lovely Easter weekend in the Catskills of New York. We got to stay in a pretty cool Airbnb , pretty much a log cabin, with a wood stove fireplace and that is attached to an actual goat sanctuary across the way and they had baby goats, which of course we snuggled! We also got to “paint with goats!” Actually we got to do a lot of things there but one of the highlights was probably LD with a sweet baby goat that fell asleep in her arms for two hours. Pretty amazing to experience. Her name is Alora by the way and she is the cutest. Probably my favorite. Click on the pics for full length versions.
Afterwards we took a little drive over to the old Catskill Game Farm, where LD went to visit as a little kid. It’s abandoned now but we visited anyway. We also passed by the largest garden gnome statue in the world (at least up until 2007) on the way.
One cool thing about the place that I forgot to mention earlier is that it was fully stacked but also had this somewhat amazing gameroom in the basement, with Poker, darts, air hockey, basketball, foosball, and even a full length ping pong table. I also spent some time in one of the various hammocks around the property. The place was pretty cool, I would definitely go back, and the drive is not bad at all.
Oh, there wasn’t even supposed to be baby goats there. we lucked out on that one. They got some goats in previously and apparently one male somehow slipped through the process and basically ended up impregnating a bunch of the ladies one night. That goat was super busy. Is that what the kids mean nowadays when they say that goat had rizz? Anyways it worked out because baby goats are the best and it ended up being a great surprise and made the experience even better in my opinion.
Number 4: Prelude in Kennebunkport!
I know, this one wasn’t that long ago! This particular weekend we went up to see the Kennebunkport Maine’s Prelude festivities. We arrived at our Airbnb on Friday night, a place that we stayed a couple of years ago for Prelude. Yes, in Arundel again, the place with the sulfur water! But, for whatever reason, it didn’t seem half as bad this time, plus the place is great otherwise. They even have a microwave now. It is a bit on the minimalist side but it suited our purposes just fine. The bed is very comfy if a bit low to the ground. Very modern type of place/look. Anyways, we didn’t attend the actual tree lighting in the center because that’s bat-shit crazy town, but we met up with our friend “E” who grew up there for a nice evening dinner at a place called Ultramar. I ended up getting this seafood bouillabaisse which was very good. I’d have to say that all the restaurants in the area are pretty top notch. Hung there for a few hours having a good time. Then we went back to our friend’s parents’ place where we played with the dogs, Pippa and Boomer. LD loves Boomer – he’s a very large dog, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. When we got back to our place to crash I decided to be a little Zen, as you can see in the photo.
Saturday was the busiest day for us as we had a lot of things planned and I’m happy to say that we got to do them all and even a bit more! .It started out with us going to check out a donkey that was going to be visiting some of the little craft shops in a corner of the town. We were so excited to see him. His name is Sylvester of all things and his fur was so so soft and he such a gentle creature. Naturally we had to get many pictures with him, which we did. Both singularly and together. Some old lady also decided to get into some of our group shots but she was cropped out of Couse. Sorry lady, No beuno!
Then it was off the to the beach for a little bit because you can’t go to Maine and not have some beach time, plus LD needs beach time. “E” brought her dog and we watched as she played in the sand, chasing balls, and meeting other dogs. The weather was actually pretty nice and there was no rain throughout the day even though that was a possibility, so we lucked out there big time. Couldn’t stay at the beach too long though because we had reservations for a trolley ride!
After that it was to the Seashore Trolley Museum to take a ride along the tracks on an old 1920s rail trolley with our couple-friends (M&M) who came up for the day! The train ride itself wasn’t all that long but it was kind of neat to be on an actual rail trolley from back in the day. What I didn’t realize is that I though since Seashore was in the name, that this ride who go along the sea shore, but alas it just goes through the woods of Maine. Still, it was an experience and we got some great pictures there in the actual museum which hosts a bunch of old train stuff.
After that we all went out to lunch back in the center of town at a place called Old Vines Wine Bar. I didn’t have any wine but we did have chicken meatballs, and I specifically had Ricotta Herbed Ravioli. The baked brie was pretty amazing as well. After that there was a hat parade going on in the center, which we weren’t a part of but got stuck in with anyway. While that was going on, there was a couple of stops in some shops and a coffee/hot chocolate run.
After saying bye to M&M who had only planned to stay for the day we headed back to the Airbnb for a few hours to recuperate before the next round of activities. It’s a good thing we did too because we’d be really dragging and hurting if we didn’t. Age is catching up to us!
It started off by visiting the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust to check out this lighted meditation labyrinth in the woods. We eventually found it, although it was much further in than we had anticipated. But we made it and did the whole follow-the-path-to-enlightenment thing. Took some pictures there but it was pretty dark so they really didn’t come out all that well. You’ll just have to experience for yourself!
Dinner was at THE BURLEIGH, a place we had all dined at before, once again meeting up with our friend. It definitely has an interesting look as the bar area looks like Christmas threw up with it’s over the top decorations. I ended up having a burger there which was great. The fries were pretty great too.
By this point it was approaching 10 pm and most of the crowds had dispersed for the night. So it was a great time to hit the lighted bridge over by the Boathouse. We got some great pictures there of all of us. We also got stuff for Carson at a little pet shop in town that we like to hit up whenever we’re in the area.
Day three was a little more of the same, although less because it would also be the day we’d be heading back. We started out by going to a charity for dogs event at a place called Vinegar Hill Farm where you can win a Christmas tree or a wreath or something of that nature, and get a pic of your pup with Old Saint Nick himself. “E” brought Pippa and her dad brought Boomer, LD’s favorite. But Boomer apparently can’t really be in this setting because he’d be like a bull in a china shop and knock everything and everyone over, even though he’s a love. He just doesn’t know his own body size or strength. In fact, while taking pictures of Boomer outside with LD and Santa, Boomer got too excited and knocked both Santa and LD over. LD actually face planted, which wasn’t good and got some back and blue on her chin, but it could have been worse. Eighty pounds of Boomer is like a Sherman Tank. Don’t worry though, everyone was alright, thank goodness.
Before heading back a went around and grabbed a few scenic pictures of the area, hitting the famous Clam Shack by the river, the Love KPT sign of course, and the truck out in front of Batson’s. We were bummed this year that Batson’s didn’t have the outdoor fish shacks which is part of the reason we went to Old Vines instead. Oh, and just before leaving the state we hit up Yummies for some candy!
Did I forget anything. Most likely, we did so many things, and there were so many people, and there was so many laughs and good times. Prelude has gotten so big now that it’s been so publicized! It’s a pretty special place and we always enjoy our time there.
Oops! I did forget something! Before heading out we went out for brunch at a place called Musette, a little tiny café where the actor Patrick Dempsey (aka McDreamy) likes to hang out. We didn’t see him there that day bit the food was tasty and the vibe was small-town-ish.
Number 3: A Brew-Tea-Ful Day!
Fancy Tea Time!
Reservations finally came through for a little get together at a fancy tea house to help celebrate our anniversary. The food was great! I ended up going with a white tea called the Bartlett Pear which consists of White tea, pear, apple and peach pieces, pear flavor, nutmeg, cinnamon, white cornflowers, peach flavor. I must say it was quite good, very pleased with my choice. We were seated in the cutest little room, very pink and very Marie Antoinette-ish, for my lack of a better description. It was fun day to celebrate our special day!
Number 2: First Ever Bat Mitzvah
Attending our first ever Bat Mitzvah. Let me tell you, our friends know how to throw a party! From the signature cocktails to all the custom everything! The service was wonderful as well. There was so much I’m having a hard time remembering it all. I know there was a ton of dancing, and some eating, and taking pictures and just whooping it up. It was a fun time. Will most likely do it again in a couple of years when the next kid has his!
Before I get to Number 1, how about some Honorable Mentions?
HM 1: Momma Bunny Pays a Visit!
This happened on a day that was spent cleaning out some of the kitchen cabinets in anticipation of the new work that was going to be done soon. While we were in the process of doing that, LD noticed that a mother rabbit was creating a new nest for babies over on the side deck. Not the greatest place to put one since we come in and out of that door all the time, but momma is going to do what momma wants!
We’ve taken to naming this mother bunny Katherine. I’m not sure why but LD came up with it and we’re going with it. In the end, momma decided not to use this nest (what a disappointment!) must likely we believe to be because a squirrel came by later and dug up around all the work she was doing. Perhaps it spooked her. It was still really interesting to watch the process though, and we’ve been really lucky with rabbits birthing their kids in out flowerpots many times now in the last couple of years!
Momma bunny in action!
HM #2: Biking the new GLX Line!
Cruising under the Zakim
Another BTS shot!
On this particular day I needed to run to Somerville and while I was there, I was figuring, since it was a rather cool day out, that I’d go and do a quick bike ride down the GLX and get some exercise in. So that’s one of the things that happened
I must say that they did a really nice job with this path. I mean, it took them long enough to build it, but the wait was worth it, I would say. It’s a straight shot into Boston so it’s very convenient. Plus the scenery along the way isn’t too bad either. It ends basically just before going under the Zakim bridge where it ties in to other bike/pedestrian routes there, over that park by North Point.
HM #3: Round Hill Beach Excursions!
Can you correctly identify these four creatures? Three birds and some sort of sea creature apparently with it’s arms up out of the water.
We had so much fun on this day, we did this a couple of times. The waves were better and we basically ended up staying there until closing, Once again, thanks to LD’s friend for allowing us to use her resident pass so we could access this private beach. For lunch we munched on a Jersey Mike’s but one thing I learned is you have to eat there kind of with your food hidden, because the gulls are pretty aggressive. In fact before I knew this I was divebombed by one of them trying to get the sandwich out of my hand! It basically crashed into my head, and it kind of hurt a little, I was more surprised than anything I suppose, but it ended up empty handed as I was able to hold on to my sandwich. I also find that I like swimming at beaches with boats in the background.
HM #4: The Kitchen Renovation!
This vid was taken when it was about 98 percent done! It’s all done now. Bought a bunch of new stuff to go with the new décor, etc. It’s been a little over a month of hard work but the results are paying off now! Everyone who sees it, loves the transformation. The backsplash is the real star. LD spent a very long time on all the details and it shows! This is where I prep and cook a lot of our meals now!
And Now on to The Number One Top Moment, actually Moments,
Drum Roll Please
It was the Summer Cape Trip This Year! But Specifically One Certain Day During
Endless Summer Nights
Did you ever have a day where you wish it would never end and you wished it would just last forever. That’s what this day was for me this year.
This whole week was pretty much amazing, but one day in particular really stood out. One of LD’s former colleagues also came down for a couple of days and happened to be there during this stint. The visit to Harding’s beach in Chatham on this particular day was incredible and one that I’ll remember forever. We swam and swam. The water was warm, warmer than it’s ever been it seemed, like really warm, almost crazy warm, the waves were high which made riding them and splashing or jumping over them as they came in quite fun, and I was having a blast. I think we all ended up staying there from like 1:30 to 6:30. It was just the most perfect day.
And of Course by the end of the day you have to check out the sunsets.
Rock Harbor never disappoints and I got what I consider to be a great shot and one that caps off this year for me personally. I decided to walk further down along the marshy area then I have in the past. I covered myself up appropriately so that I wouldn’t get eaten by any bugs too badly and that was a smart move by me. This isn’t my first rodeo! What’s really cool about this pic is how the sun’s reflection kind of forms the shape of a heart! The universe was telling me something that day.
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
—Eckhart Tolle
Well, that’s the wrap. I also could have added the Winter Lights Outing, or the many visits to the sanctuary, the million little trips and jaunts we do, the various other hangouts with friends and family, the snuggles with Carson (that could be #1!) but I had to draw the line somewhere. Just keep following me and you will see all the craziness. It’s not all party and happiness all the time, there were some scary and sad parts, a couple of funerals to go to and the like, but I am blessed and extremely lucky that a lot of it is happiness. This post is one way for me to reflect on things and a chance for me to practice some gratitude. Growing up from the circumstances that I grew up in, I know how lucky I am but there was always love and that helped me and continues to ground me. Sooooo….
Happy New Year Everyone, let’s hope the new year is filled with more happiness and love and good stuff for you all! If you’d like to look back further into our adventures here’s the link to my top ten moments of 2022!
We decided to take a little small trip this week and get by the water. LD found this cute little place by the sea so we went! The pic above is the view from out back – the property is right on the water! Gorgeous! The weather was downcast for much of the trip so no sun, but at least there really wasn’t any rain to stop us and it was rather mild the whole time we were there. I didn’t even need to wear my jacket at all, although LD did feel cold at times. Maybe I just got used to the elements being outside a lot nowadays. It’s no too far from Paine’s Creek which is an area that I love so we checked that out, along with some other nearby sights and some good eats along the way.
The highlight, however, was meeting Jackie the Duck, who also lives there! Jackie the Duck’s story is actually extremely fascinating. He was essentially saved by the owner lady as he emerged from his egg. His mother had either killed or abandoned the chicks for whatever reason, and this little boy would very certainly have died if she hadn’t taken him in and saved him. Anyway, the act of doing so imprinted her on him, and he became a member of the family as a result. He is a pet, but he is so much more! Let’s see if I can recall any of the stories the lady told us about him.
He bathes in the house, but he must wait for his feathers to dry before proceeding with his day. He follows her around the house and rides in the car with her. He’s riding shotgun in a straw-filled tub. He wears a diaper in the house since ducks can’t manage their functions, and there’s reportedly a lady in Maine who makes these duck-specific diapers, so maybe this is a thing? When they’re playing in the ocean out back in the summer, she’ll toss him in and he’ll ultimately return back to her on the shore. In fact, when he’s finished swimming, he waddles right out of the beach and into the home. When he falls asleep, his bill is a little heavy, so you can see him drop his head every now and then; we witnessed this in person today! He really was a sweetheart, he even poses for you so you can take his picture. What a character! He has no interest in hanging with other ducks, and why would he, he’s living the life a of a king, even by human standards! I hope we’ll get to hang out with him again sometime (the lady liked us and said next time we’re in the area to give her a buzz!)
Went to the beach yesterday afternoon because it was so nice out! Other than that it was a nice quiet day relaxing at home and opening all our presents. What a nice day it was.
Currently Watching:Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God and old episodes of Nip/Tuck.
Currently reading: Animal: The Bloody Rise and Fall of the Mob’s Most Feared Assassin
Yesterday was a super busy day! We had a number of visitors, some of whom arrived unexpectedly but were completely welcome and worthwhile. We are really fortunate to have such wonderful people in our lives!
First it was LD’s old landlady who stayed a small bit of time and then another little elf came over and gave us the sweetest gifts! So lovely! Carson definitely made out the best out of all of us this year however, I guess you could say he was very very good this year!
Then we had to bolt over to Providence Rhode Island to pick up some certain treats for the evening’s festivities when another group of out friends were coming over to hang. That was also fun, and we tried to make some special appetizers and such. I don’t feel that the holiday caprese salad that we tried to make came out perfectly, but I came around and now like it. Not bad for a first time try. We we also a little pressed for time trying to squeeze everything in, so that was probably a bit of a factor as well, but it’s all good.
Today I watched LD swim for a bit at the pool which was fun and the tonight we’re going to keep it lowkey, going to have a nice dinner from an Italian place that we like and have a nice quiet evening. That’s the plan!
Merry Christmas everyone! May you have the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas which is Hope, and the heart of Christmas which is Love!
Oh, I’ve been working on my top ten list for the year on and off over the last few days and I’m pleased to say that it’s ready and I’ll post it up sometime next week. Lots of good stuff this year.
After the beach (see below), we spent some time over at LD’s old landlords place were we had a nice dinner with them and checked out their tree. Then it was off to a shamanic journey in Needham with two of LD’s specialists. I partook in the ceremony of celebrating the winter solstice, and then we had to describe what we saw. I saw a hawk give me a large golden hoop and they said that was a really good thing, Gold is a big deal and the circle has no beginning or end, it is infinite. All in all, it sounds like a great spiritual gift. Yeah, there was a part of me that was really skeptical of the whole thing but I decided to just try to ignore that, open my mind, and see what happens, I was the first one to speak up and address the crowd, which is totally unlike me, as I tend to clam up in group settings, especially with people I don’t know, but it just seemed right so I went ahead and got the ball rolling. Actually ended up having a pretty good time and it sure was a different kind of experience for me.
Spent the late morning over at Duxbury beach for a while to take in the sights and smells and the roar of the ocean. Now a slight break before an early dinner and tonight’s upcoming activities (see above).
We went to see the Winter Lights over at the Bradley Estate in Canton last night, with another couple that we know. Before that we had them over for a quick dinner outing. They were impressed with our jukebox and played a bunch of tunes on it! Carson even came out again and didn’t hide even though he doesn’t like the jukebox because it’s pretty loud. After feasting on some nice salmon and roasted veggies that we had prepared and got finished just as they arrived, we chatted and some gifts were exchanged. LD finally got one of those Bibi Pins, and I got some swag as well. Then we were off, it’s actually not too far from us.
You get to go inside the first floor of the house as well and let me tell you, it is beautiful! Wonder what it would be like to live in a place that big, a mansion. Probably would end up misplacing my things and wouldn’t be able to find them. Anyways, after going through some of the rooms, there’s one room with a guy playing the original piano that’s in there, and he was good! He was taking requests and one of our guests requested the Peanuts theme song and he blasted right into it, all the folks in the room at the time loved it including us. He also complemented me on my scarf. I’ve been getting a lot of that lately! In the room you also got to write a wish on a card and strung in up on various tree like structures throughout the room, all in white. Really a beautiful scene. Then you head outdoors and essentially follow a lighted trail that goes through all the various light displays and finding reindeer structures made out of logs along the way. All in all, it was a very fun night.
Happy gotcha day, Carson! How lucky are we to have found such a loving, sweet, snuggly, sassy, silly cat to bring home?! Thanks for picking us as your humans!
Did a great job of reading this year. Here’s the list of books I’ve read thus far, I really liked most of them! Standouts were Killers of the Flower Moon, Empire of Pain, The Five, and The Art Thief.
Did a lot of things in the past few days. I think a little girl will be very thrilled that all with the gifts that were collected for her that I dropped off yesterday. I was quite preoccupied today getting things done, including buying a new hat and gloves because I seemed to have misplaced one of them, which was really annoying because I really enjoyed that set. Also getting some prescriptions filled, discovering a new brand of gourmet popcorn that LD enjoys, adding more solar-powered Christmas trees to the front lawn, purchasing some gift cards and stopping by the deli for lunch. All this along with the usual daily activities. I also finally got all the holiday cards placed into their respective envelopes and addressed them all, and there are quite a few. I mailed out about half of them today, the rest will most likely be in the mail tomorrow.
Unfortunately, my knee has started to bother me again, to the point where I may need to start wearing my brace again. It had been so good for quite some time. I’m wondering if the weather has anything to do with how it’s been feeling, even though I’ve been using it quite a bit during the last few weeks.
Our holiday cards arrived in the mail today so tonight we’ll be starting to fill those out and begin distributing them to our family and friends so if you’ve been good this year, watch your mailbox. Tomorrow I’m dropping off a bunch of toys that LD and another pal of hers took on buying gifts for a needy child, so that’ll be good.
Currently Watching:Murder In Boston: Roots, Rampage & Reckoning which is streaming on Max. A three-part documentary series that reexamines the 1989 murder of Carol Stuart, her husband Charles’ suicide, and the rush to judgment after Charles implicated a Black man in the killing. I can remember this story being on all the news while I was growing up.
Our friend from Maine that we hung out with last weekend came down for the day to spend some time with us and to finally Meet Carson. Carson was very engaging, didn’t hide, and I think legitimately had fun with her playing with him and getting all the attention and various gifts like treats, which he devoured happily. We made some pasta and chicken meatballs and side salads while she brought this amazing vegan dessert that she made which didn’t taste vegan to me at all. Like a suped-up peanut butter cup ball wrapped in chocolate. The main visit of the day though was to visit the sanctuary as they were doing a night tour, something they do once or twice a year, where you get to visit the animals in the evening. We also sat by their fire pit while listening to carolers and she got to pick out two stuffed animals from Santa. I also bought a calendar and a car magnet for LD. We’ll need to take her back there someday in the daytime so she can interact with the animals better as they roam around but this was a great introduction. I also got some more compliments on my scarf, people seem to really dig it. I must agree, it is pretty cool. Then we drove her home back to her apartment in Boston and then we came home and eventually fell asleep. All in all a great day!
Surrounded by goatsCan you spot the horses in Santa’s Barn?The large firepit
Currently Reading book #46 of my year: Butts: A Backstory by Heather Radke.
Time for an update! The last weekend we went up the Kennebunkport Maine’s Prelude festivities. We arrived at our Airbnb on Friday night, a place that we stayed a couple of years ago for Prelude. Yes, in Arundel again, the place with the sulfur water! But, for whatever reason, it didn’t seem half as bad this time, plus the place is great otherwise. They even have a microwave now. It is a bit on the minimalist side but it suited our purposes just fine. The bed is very comfy if a bit low to the ground. Very modern type of place/look. Anyways, we didn’t attend the actual tree lighting in the center because that’s bat-shit crazy town, but we met up with our friend “E” who grew up there for a nice evening dinner at a place called Ultramar. I ended up getting this seafood bouillabaisse which was very good. I’d have to say that all the restaurants in the area are pretty top notch. Hung there for a few hours having a good time. Then we went back to our friend’s parents’ place where we played with the dogs, Pippa and Boomer. LD loves Boomer – he’s a very large dog, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. When we got back to our place to crash I decided to be a little Zen, as you can see in the photo.
Saturday was the busiest day for us as we had a lot of things planned and I’m happy to say that we got to do them all and even a bit more! .It started out with us going to check out a donkey that was going to be visiting some of the little craft shops in a corner of the town. We were so excited to see him. His name is Sylvester of all things and his fur was so so soft and he such a gentle creature. Naturally we had to get many pictures with him, which we did. Both singularly and together. Some old lady also decided to get into some of our group shots but she’ll be cropped out of Couse. Sorry lady, No beuno!
Then it was off the to the beach for a little bit because you can’t go to Maine and not have some beach time, plus LD needs beach time. “E” brought her dog and we watched as she played in the sand, chasing balls, and meeting other dogs. The weather was actually pretty nice and there was no rain throughout the day even though that was a possibility, so we lucked out there big time. Couldn’t stay at the beach too long though because we had reservations for a trolley ride!
After that it was to the Seashore Trolley Museum to take a ride along the tracks on an old 1920s rail trolley with our couple-friends (M&M) who came up for the day! The train ride itself wasn’t all that long but it was kind of neat to be on an actual rail trolley from back in the day. What I didn’t realize is that I though since Seashore was in the name, that this ride who go along the sea shore, but alas it just goes through the woods of Maine. Still, it was an experience and we got some great pictures there in the actual museum which hosts a bunch of old train stuff.
After that we all went out to lunch back in the center of town at a place called Old Vines Wine Bar. I didn’t have any wine but we did have chicken meatballs, and I specifically had Ricotta Herbed Ravioli. The baked brie was pretty amazing as well. After that there was a hat parade going on in the center, which we weren’t a part of but stuck in with anyway. While that was going on, there was a couple of stops in some shops and a coffee/hot chocolate run.
After saying bye to M&M who had only planned to stay for the day we headed back to the Airbnb for a few hours to recuperate before the next round of activities. It’s a good thing we did too because we’d be really dragging and hurting if we didn’t. Age is catching up to us!
It started off by visiting the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust to check out this lighted meditation labyrinth in the woods. We eventually found it, although it was much further in than we had anticipated. But we made it and did the whole follow-the-path-to-enlightenment thing. Took some pictures there but it was pretty dark so they really didn’t come out all that well. You’ll just have to experience for yourself!
Dinner was at THE BURLEIGH, a place we had all dined at before, once again meeting up with our friend. It definitely has an interesting look as the bar area looks like Christmas threw up with it’s over the top decorations. I ended up having a burger there which was great. The fries were pretty great too.
By this point it was approaching 10 pm and most of the crowds had dispersed for the night. So it was a great time to hit the lighted bridge over by the Boathouse. We got some great pictures there of all of us. We also got stuff for Carson at a little pet shop in town that we like to hit up whenever we’re in the area.
Day three was a little more of the same, although less because it would also be the day we’d be heading back. We started out by going to a charity for dogs event at a place called Vinegar Hill Farm where you can win a Christmas tree or a wreath or something of that nature, and get a pic of your pup with Old Saint Nick himself. “E” brought Pippa and her dad brought Boomer, LD’s favorite. But Boomer apparently can’t really be in this setting because he’d be like a bull in a china shop and knock everything and everyone over, even though he’s a love. He just doesn’t know his own body size or strength. In fact, while taking pictures of Boomer outside with LD and Santa, Boomer got too excited and knocked both Santa and LD over. LD actually face planted, which wasn’t good and got some back and blue on her chin, but it could have been worse. Eighty pounds of Boomer is like a Sherman Tank. Don’t worry though, everyone was alright, thank goodness.
Before heading back a went around and grabbed a few scenic pictures of the area, hitting the famous Clam Shack by the river, the Love KPT sign of course, and the truck out in front of Batson’s. We were bummed this year that Batson’s didn’t have the outdoor fish shacks which is part of the reason we went to Old Vines instead. Oh, and just before leaving the state we hit up Yummies for some candy!
Did I forget anything. Most likely, we did so many things, and there were so many people, and there was so many laughs and good times. Prelude has gotten so big now that it’s been so publicized! It’s a pretty special place and we always enjoy our time there.
Oops! I did forget something! Before heading out we went out for brunch at a place called Musette, a little tiny café where the actor Patrick Dempsey (aka McDreamy) likes to hang out. We didn’t see him there that day bit the food was tasty and the vibe was small-town-ish.
Today (and part of yesterday) I went ahead and put some more Xmas lights outside. Some solar snowmen on the side railing and some lighted miniature Xmas trees on the front lawn. Today I also draped some netted wire lights over the spruces out front, except that the spruces are a bit too large so we may need to get more netted lights to fill it in better, but it is a start. Today we went to a funeral service for a friend of ours whose wife recently passed away. It was in a very nice church in town. There was a also a little nice reception lunch in the café on site. Got to say they had the best Caesar salad I’ve had in a while. Seriously though, it was a very nice ceremony. This was in one of those more modern churches which I have to say, seems so much more welcoming and comfortable then the stogey old Catholic churches that I grew up with. Granted those churches are probably much older but still, change with the times. One of the things this woman loved to do was garden, and by all accounts, hers did look pretty amazing. They gave away seeds to everybody to be planted next spring which I thought was a cool gesture. We’ll find a place for these come springtime.
The Xmas tree is up. We put it together yesterday. We also tried out the new Kelly’s that opened up in Dedham. Not bad, but I still think you can’t beat the Revere location for the view, plus that one is the OG. I went and got LD’s car inspected today, passed no problem. I went back to Walmart today and waited again. This time it was only a twenty minute wait but probably won’t be doing that anymore. Not worth the hassle. I ran a couple of my own errands as well. Got some really exciting meetups and things coming up over the next few weeks that I’m really looking forward to.