Featured on Boston Fox 25!


Was psyched to see this appear on my feed tonight! Thanks Boston Fox 25 News for the feature! Makes getting the enduring bites worth it. I wonder if it’ll be on the morning news tomorrow and at what time? And special thanks to the Ladydoc for getting me there! Tonight we got some shots from a beach in North Eastham and some cotton candy colored sky at Crosby’s Landing which will be forthcoming.

Clams and Lobsters at Arnold’s – an Eastham classic, and possible coyote sighting by LD on the way back. We turned around to catch another glimpse but by then it was gone.

Some More Varied Wildlife Shots

A collection of Cormorants
Osprey and Laughing Gull
Seals playing in front of Chatham Light

These were all taken on July 14, 2019. Today was a “rest day” so far. A little shopping, a nice breakfast at the Hole In One, a place we like, and just being chill for the most part. Today we hit some little libraries in Orleans – I found a novel called The Last Days of Dogtown that I might read since it takes place in old Gloucester. Historical fiction type stuff I think. LD is reading a book I found as well by Jennie Garth of 90210 fame. Oh Gawd. I’m almost done with Future Crimes – it’s pretty good but a little dense. Basically anything is hackable including all technologies moving forward.

So far, we’ve really scored with the weather this week with everyday basically being sunny and clear, although a bit hot at times -normal for mid-July though!

Not sure what we’re doing tonight yet – probably a dinner somewhere and more sunset locations.

Linnell Landing

Boat at Sunset
Boat at Sunset

Finally got the site back to normal. After a wonderful half hour dip in the indoor pool and hot tub (no kids in sight – or anyone for that matter for the entire time!) it was off to Linnell Landing for some more sunset photos. It was buggy once again, and I got bit many times, but I’ll deal with it, and I think the results were worth it. This particular picture is just one of the 150 or so I took of the scene. I take so many shots, it’s hard for me to decide which ones to put up. I will need to basically bathe in Aveeno and Benadryl though.

We finished off the early evening with a pizza from some fancy looking place down here called Stone L’oven. A bit pricey, but it was delicious.

Linnel’s Landing 2019
Linnel’s Landing 2019
Linnel’s Landing 2019



Until I can get the media file load issue straightened out, I’ll have to link the few that I can from my Insta account for now. Anyways, here are the osprey family that I mentioned earlier. This particular nest was settled in a pole like structure right in the harbor, These birds are actually pretty plentiful down here. They are part of the hawk/eagle family of birds. These are youngsters in the nest awaiting their parents, although they look like they’re ready to strike out on the own if you ask me.

After the boat ride out to Monomoy to see the seals (although nothing could compare to the year we saw them all beached up on the sandbars), we had a nice lunch at a place next door, Brax, and then hit some little libraries around Chatham. Actually scored a bunch of possibly good ones. They usually do have good reading down these parts.

I changed the look of the site a little bit – I think I like this design tweak better than what I had before, but I may change it again. And then, I took a short nap.


Today was a great day to be out on the water! We decided to go on a seal cruise and maybe get some seal shots. I got some great shots of a osprey nest, which I’ll upload once the site stops being cranky. I installed an update that maybe I shouldn’t have and is causing me not to upload files directly at the present time.


Cape Vacation 2019 Day 02 – Part 1

Path to the beach in West Dennis

So far the day started out with waking up and getting over to the clubhouse for donuts and coffee. Then it was just a matter of what to do today. Decided to take a jaunt out to West Dennis to get in some beach time. Along they way we stopped and two little libraries, got some books and dropped some off. Finally we arrived at the beach, set up the umbrella and our chairs, LD had a little swim, and I got a little sun – soaking up the sea breezes along the coastline.

One the other side of the beach is an inlet area where some sea birds like to congregate. LD spotted some piping plovers and sandpipers, along with some least terns – most of these birds are endangered and federally protected as they like to nest in these areas. We noticed the sandpipers in particular doing this strange behavior – walking side by side in circles and in unison – almost like a dance, pretty cool to watch actually. Did not appear to be mating behavior, perhaps just a way that they search for food? Eventually they did split up, but the synchronization was cool.

Piping Plovers flitting about!
Sandpipers walking in synchronization

Stopped along the way back for an afternoon break at a Dunkins down here – I discovered it was by far the worst dunkin experience I’d ever had. Mostly due to the dude taking the orders – could he get anything right? Also, I didn’t want extra ice in my hot coffee, I wanted extra ice in the ice tea that LD wanted that you neglected to input at all. Also, the wait time was ridiculous – I was steaming by the time I got out of there, which was way too long, but I calmed myself down – after all, it’s not worth getting fired up about.

Then it was time for a late afternoon dip in the outside pool. Did that for about 1/2 hour – best time to go is around supper time between 6 and 7 pm as most people and annoying kids are eating. When they came back though was signal to us it was time to get out. Children are annoying. Part 2 coming as the next sunset time arrives – where will we head out to tonight? Stay tuned!

Cape Vacation 2019 Day 01

A sunset shot along Paine’s Creek – July 12, 2019

Finally on the Cape for a week to start a week of summer vacation – it’s been a long time in coming, believe me. The day started off with tying up some work items, taking LD to a chiro appointment, and doing some other quick errands, but then we were off!

The first stop which we like to do is grab lunch in Sandwich at a place called Fisherman’s View – which sits right along the Cape Cod Canal.

The Sagamore Bridge in the distance along the Cape Cod Canal.

I had the beer batted cod sandwich which was very good and LD had a lobster knuckle sandwich which looked and tasted amazing. I give that place two thumbs up – food’s great and has some spectacular views. Like I said, it sits along the canal and abuts the Sandwich Marina and park, which the town did a wonderful job of making look pretty sweet. Worth a visit if you’re ever down that way – it’s also not far from the Dan’l Webster, so if you’re familiar with that part of town you’re almost there.

After a bit more driving we arrived at out destination for the week. It’s in the same complex that we go to almost every year, but this time around we had to choose a different unit due to a friend wanting the use the main unit (long story). We’ve never been over on this side of the complex, but I find that I actually like it – it’s more secluded and it’s actually very cute! So, pleasantly surprised on that note. It also seems a little bigger but that could just be the way it’s laid out.

We decided to hit the grocery store up to get some food, but honestly, mostly snacks for the week. Once that was done we decided to catch some sunset down over by Paine’s Creek – a very scenic spot if you ask me – I got some great shots from there last year as well. However, it was very buggy so I didn’t stay out there too too long. I think I got some good shots though considering. Also, there was a looming cloud blocking the sun a bit toward the end so that made ending a little early a simple decision. However, we weren’t totally done yet – we headed over to Nauset Beach (on the ocean side) as night was approaching to listen to some crashing waves in the darkness. We wrapped it up with a trip to the Chocolate Sparrow and downed some delicious hot chocolates. All in all, a great day for day number one!

Gametime: https://robie.itch.io/on-your-marks