The bedroom is finished! The area rug has finally been laid down, the artwork is up on the walls, the new shades are in the windows, and it’s all good. Even went to the hardware store yesterday to get some new knobs for the nightstands that match the decor of the room better and put those on. While there I also obtained a bolt and a nut I needed to help repair the mower when the piece fell out last week, but it’s all good now. At some point I plan on buying a new mower with some accouterments and features that I currently do not have but that will assist moving forward, but for now these touch ups will do. We also got a bigger planter for Sean the pumpkin plant who is growing more everyday. He’s kind of an experiment at this point, so we’ll see what happens to him as the days progress.
Went out to the grocery store and bought some things that we ended up grilling for lunch. It was pretty hot out but overall not too bad – I didn’t mind it, and it actually came out pretty good. Will need to refill the tank real soon though, as it’s quickly getting to empty. Also competed food prep for the week early, which was a bonus.
I little while back I sent out one of my photos to be printed on glass, and that also arrived yesterday. For some reason, this picture I just like. It has a lot of muted greens in it which is not something I usually have in my photos – I don’t know – I just liked it. An impulse buy to be sure, but when my pics are printed and framed, I feel they really look better. Also blown up like this you can actually see the people in the top of the lighthouse where the lens is because they were doing tours that day.

Later in the early evening the town was having a free BBQ and concert on the Town Common, which we attended, at least for a little while – to take in some sights and hear some music. I had seen this musician there last year – she’s really good.
Here’s a fun puzzle game I’ve been playing around with this week: Blockon. It starts out pretty easy but I’m finding the later levels extremely challenging.